Crush🩷~ m.m

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Since you first saw Max, you had a huge crush on her and you felt like it was love at first sight. You guys were super close and always hung out at your house whenever Billy was causing problems.  You had a diary that you wrote in everyday. Mostly about school and family, but there were some pages talking about your secret love for Max. One day when you were watching a movie in your room, she found your diary.
"What's in this?" Max smiled.
"Nothing" you say, embarrassed.
"Okay" Max shrugged and you got up to go to the bathroom. Of course you couldn't trust Max not to go through your things but you figured that the special pages were far enough back that she wouldn't see them.
While you were washing your hands, you heard Max reading.
"Dear diary, I have a crush. But it's not a boy like I should. It's my best friend, Max Mayfield. Her eyes are so electric and bright. Her fiery red hair flows beautifully in the wind. I love her cute freckles and her hilarious attitude. She makes me want to kiss her. I really, really like her. I think I love her."
When you came back, you could tell that she had read the diary.
"My names Max Mayfield right?" She teased.
"Yeah" you hesitated.
"and you like a 'Max Mayfield' correct?"
"N-well I-"
"I'm not gonna lie, Y/N, you're pretty cute" Max smiled. Your face turned almost as red as her hair as she leaned in and kissed you.
"Done" she pulled away and smiled back at you, "it'll be our little secret" she winked.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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