Losing control

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There he was. The man that I hated more than anyone else in existence, even though he was my own blood. My father.   

Surprisingly, he didn't have anyone with him to gang up on us  like we predicted.   

He also didn't have any weapons on him, either. Well, not that we could see, anyway. I mean I'm sure he could conceal them perfectly, because his jacket sure is baggy enough.   

Oh god, don't panic now. Stay strong for Phil. You have to get through this with him and for him, you cannot give up, the voice in my head was pleading to me, and I wanted more than anything to be able to follow through with it's suggestions.   

"How do you say we're gonna settle this then, son?" My dad came strolling into our flat as if he thought he was a big-shot.   

Well, we were soon going to prove to him that he was a piece of shit. Absolutely nothing.   

"I'm not your son, you disgusting excuse for a man!" I spat out at him, finally relieved in a way that I could tell him my honest opinions of him without feeling guilty in the slightest.   

"I don't have to stand here and take this, you know!" He raised his voice at us higher and higher with each syllable, making my head throb, and making me silently wish that Phil and I could just disappear into an isolated area far, far away, and never be seen by anyone again.   

All I wanted right at this moment was to be with Phil, and only Phil. I didn't care if that meant never seeing anyone else ever again. It honestly seemed like no matter where we were, or what we decided to do, we always ended up in some sort of ridiculous situation that could ruin everything if it got too far.   

Phil knew this, too. He was just like me also... He had no fucking idea what we could do. All I know was that I had to do something, and it had to be quick.   

I'm gonna have to fight. That's one other thing I was certain of.   

"Why don't you step up and do something about it then?!" I yelled back. I just didn't give a damn anymore, and I made that pretty clear a while ago.   

My father stepped towards us only slightly, and I didn't hold back. I had no idea if he was actually stepping up to fight, or just simply moving. But like everything else in this situation, I just didn't care whatsoever.   

I completely lashed out and jumped on top of him, strangling him and punching him in the gut, throat, on the chest, head, everywhere.   

Phil tried to break it up, but that only caused him to get in the middle of it.   

My dad... No wait, I mean the psychopath, ended up slugging Phil right in the jaw. After seeing that, I completely lost control.   

Of course I was concerned as to if Phil was alright, but honestly that had to wait a second. I had a beating to finish giving.   

I tackled the bastard into the corner of the wall, and he ended up cracking his head open as it smashed into the wall. I didn't consider him my 'blood' or 'family' any longer, but i enjoyed seeing him bleeding. All he was to me was an enemy and a complete stranger.   

I'm pretty sure he was knocked out cold, which was completely okay. I'd rather he not be able to get back up.   

"PHIL!" I ran over to him, and he was in the same position as before, hugging his knees against his chest tightly.   

"Y-yeah Dan?"   

I actually sighed with relief a bit, because he was able to concentrate and be in-sync with the current situation enough to be able to respond. This was good, even though I wished he could forget this whole ordeal right now. Hell, I wish I could too.   

"He hit you in the jaw didn't he? Are you alright? Does it still hurt?" I felt as if I was bombarding him with questions, but I couldn't contain myself. I just wanted him to be alright.   

"Yeah I'm okay... My jaw is really sore and kinda crackly when I move it, but other than that it feels normal." Phil's face basically showed zero emotion, but it was much better than him being completely consumed by pain at the moment.   

"I still think we should go to a doctor and get it looked at, maybe get some x-rays or something." He could have a serious problem in his jaw, so I was clearly concerned.   

"Nah don't worry about it. If it begins to feel significantly worse, then I'll just let you know, okay?" Phil grinned as well as he could, probably to help me feel a bit better too.   

"Okay Phil, thanks. But ooh wait my mum texted, lemme see what she said..." My voice trailed off as I began reading, soon realizing that this wasn't something unimportant, and realizing that she had known what my dad was planning to do.   

What I wondered was, why she couldn't even try to stop him.   

I asked her this in a reply to her previous text, and her response to this was even longer than her first.   

My mum's text said exactly this, "I did try to stop him, but he ended up pushing me down and attacking me as well. I'm used to that, though. But Dan, you and Phil don't have to worry about anything anymore. I've left his life for good, and I called the police too. I told him just how abusive he has been to all of us, and they're going to arrest him once they get to your flat, so don't be startled when they turn up. I've also asked the police to put a restraining order on him, for all of us. We might never see him again." 

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