Chapter 3: Visitation

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A few moments afterward, the door to the room opened and a tall man stepped inside the room. he was tall, with dark hair and striking green eyes that seemed to shoot right through me. He also had a nicely trimmed beard that based on the look of it was very well kept. All of this together, immediately caught my attention. He wore a faded white overcoat over a crisp freshly pressed dress shirt, the stethoscope around his neck a clear indication of what he did for a living.

"Ms. Grant?" He asked, a charming smile coming onto his face. I looked up at him after a moment of composing myself. 

"I'm Dr. Darius Toretto, I'll be your physician. Glad to see you are awake. We were a little worried about you there for a bit."

For a moment, I was very surprised. I wasn't used to being caught off guard by anyone, but there was something about this man that just... I don't know what but it most certainly made me speechless. I composed myself as quickly as I could, my entire body drenched in sweat. I sighed, flashing the man a confident smile. 

"Nice to meet you, Dr. Toretto." I said, my voice more composed than I felt. 

"Feel free to refer to me as Izzy."

His smile widened, "Alright, Izzy. How are we feeling?"

"Better now that you're here!" I said confidently, the words slipping out before I could stop them. I felt a mixture of embarrassment and confidence, not expecting that to pop out. I could however, feel a blush creeping up on my cheeks. 

Jacob his head around quickly, he raised an eyebrow, even more surprised than I already am. A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips but he stayed quiet nonetheless. 

Dr. Toretto chuckled, a deep, rich sound that made my hearts skip a few more beats than it already was. "Well... I'm glad I could help."

"I am so sorry about that. I'm usually not that straightforward..." I said as I covered my face. 

Darius laughed, "No reason to apologize, I'm not saying I didn't like that comment..." 

He'd clear his throat, "Let's take a look at the shoulder shall we?"

I nodded slowly. As he gently examined my wound, I couldn't help but notice how his fingers brushed up against my skin, sending shivers down my spine. His touch was both professional and tender. 

"You were very lucky Izzy." Dr. Toretto said, his eyes meeting mine which once again made me shiver and my heart beat faster.

"The bullet missed any major arteries and organs... You'll need to take it easy for a while, but you'll make a full recovery." 

I nodded, my eyes still focused on his presence and his presence alone. 

"How long will she have to stay here? Jacob eventually decided to speak up. 

Darius smirked at Jacob, he looked back over to me for a beat before to his clipboard. 

"We'll probably keep her here for a few days, make sure everything is safe, have her do some physical therapy. If nothing worsens, you'll be sent home in the next few days like I said." He smiled. Jacob nods slowly.

"Thank you Dr. Toretto..." I said, my voice softer. "I appreciate it."

He nodded, his gaze lingering on me for a moment longer than necessary to some but I didn't mind it at all. "If you need anything, anything at all, don't hesitate to contact me. I'll make sure to check up on your condition regularly." He'd wink. 

"I just might have to take you up on that offer." I replied, a playful wink leaving my eye. 

His smile was genuine as he headed toward the doo. "I'll have to hold you to that." Get some rest Ms. Grant, I'll see you soon." He'd open the door, before walking out he'd look over at Jacob.

"I don't believe I ever caught your name?" 

"Jacob... Jacob Flint... Sergeant." He'd say as he shook hands with Darius.

"Jacob. I'll remember that." He'd leave the room a moment later. 

Jacob closed the door behind Dr. Toretto, he turned around to me slowly, a shocked smirk on his face. I hid my smile from him. He'd clear his throat, drawing my eyes towards him no matter how much I tried to stop them. "Wellllllll, look at you Detective."

I laughed awkwardly, wincing slightly as the movement made my shoulder throb once again. 

"What? What? What do you mean? I haven't a clue what you are talking about."

He'd sigh. 

"Oh please, don't play dumb with me Izzy. You know exactly what you did there."

I'd smirk wider than before.. 

"Maybe you're right..." I said softly. 

"You sure you're going to be alright?" He asked, his tone a bit more serious now with that same hint of sarcasm there. 

I nodded, I felt a sense of determination and pride wash over me for the conversation diverting. 

"You heard the handsome doctor, I'll be back on my feet in no time." I said, I laughed a bit at this comment. 

"I'm just making sure, you typically aren't good with following the directions of others you know that right?"

I gasped in fake shock. 

"I can't believe you said that! Oh m-" I stopped, even for me, I couldn't finish that excuse. 

"I know, but believe me. I want to get out of here as soon as possible. Believe me."

He smiled, "Good, because we got work to do partner."

He'd exit the room for a few moments to fill out paperwork, I laughed, I bit my lip slightly, not knowing what exactly happened with Dr. Toretto, but curious to see where it goes. 

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