Chapter 16: Desperate Measures

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Darius stood in the doorway. The men immediately backed off and the room fell quite. My eyes locked onto his and a shiver ran down my spine. 

"Take her to the containment room." Darius ordered, his voice didn't have any warmth or remorse. "And make sure she doesn't try to fight back again."

Two of the men grabbed me roughly and begun to drag me towards the door. I struggled and casted a look of desperation at Jacob who was still in the midst of grappling one of the thugs. 

Jacob's eyes met mine which was filled with determination and a silent promise of hope. "Let her go!" He yelled before I was taken completely out of the room. The door slammed shut behind me which left me in the darkness again with Darius's cold laughter which echoed in my ears.

This wasn't over. Not by a long shot. And I was dragged deeper into the bowels of the factory. I vowed to myself that I'd find a way to end this nightmare once and for all. 

As the men dragged me throughout the dimly lit corridors, my mind raced and searched for any opportunity to e scape. My shoulder throbbed with excruciating pain but adrenaline kept me moving. The cold, metallic grip of my captors bruised my skin and every step echoed wickedly throughout the factory. 

We approached a heavy steel door at the end of the hallway. The interrogation room. The very thought of what awaited me inside sent a shiver down my spine. 

I began to summon every ounce of strength. I jerked my arms forward and twisted my body in a desperate attempt to break free. One of the men stumbled, caught off guard by my sudden resistance. I seized the opportunity. I threw all of my weight into a wild, uncoordinated kick aimed at one of the thugs knee.  

The man grunted in pain, but his grip remained firm. He shoved me hard and sent me crashing into the door. Stars danced in my vision, but I pushed through the dizziness. I began to kick and struggle with renewed ferocity. 

"Hold her still!" The other man barked, his voice laced with frustration. 

"No! I won't let you." I shouted and began to thrash violently. 

Just as the situation seemed hopeless. The door to the room swung open and Darius stepped in. His face was filled with venom. His eyes locked onto mine. In his hand, he held the same metal rod, It's surface smeared with blood. 

"Enough Isabel." He demanded. 

Ignoring his command, I continued to fight, my bound hands began to swing wildly. "I won't let you win." 

With a swift brutal motion, Darius struck me in the shoulder again. He continued to target my already injured join. The pain was blinding and I crumpled to the floor, a cry of agony escaped my lips. The men hauled me back to my feet, their grips like iron. 

Darius leaned in close. His voice a low threatening whisper. "You think you can fight me huh? You're only prolonging your suffering. You're the one who chooses to not give up when we have gave you plenty of chances to."

I gasped for breath, I met his gaze, defiance burned bright in my eyes. "You won't break me." I spat. My voice trembled but stayed calm. 

Darius straightened his position. "Take her inside." 

The men dragged me into the interrogation room and roughly shoved me into a chair. He secured my hands to the armrests with thick leather straps. I struggled against the restraints but they were too tight for me to break. My heart pounded in my chest, a mix of fear and anger fueled my calmness. 

Darius circled the room, the metal rod tapped rhythmically against his palm. "You have spirit. You are resourceful and definitely won't give up without a fight Detective Grant. But sadly, spirit won't save you in this scenario."

He stopped in front of me. "I want you to understand the futility of your efforts. I want you to see that resistance is pointless."

He stopped in front of me, his masked face inches from mine. "I want you to understand the futility of your efforts. I want you to see that resistance is pointless."

"You're a monster," I hissed. "You'll pay for this."

The door to the interrogation room creaked open again and Jacob stumbled in, block trickled from a cut on his forehead, but knowing him, a little blood meant more of the fun. His eyes locked onto mine, filled with worry and determination. 

"Detective Grant." He called as he tried to push past the men who restrained him. 

"Flint, don't!" I shouted, fear gripped from my heart. 

But Darius already moved. His attention shifted to Jacob. "Ohhhhhhhhhhh, look at that. Your loyal partner. Sergeant Flint." He sneered. "You really should have stayed out of this, Officer Flint." Darius sneered. 

Jacob broke free from the men who restrained him. Darius stood there with the metal rod, Jacob ducked the attack and came face to face with him and delivered a headbutt and a kick to the gut which made Darius hold his gut for a moment. The men returned to hold Jacob back again. 

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh, look, that's adorable. Your partner is persistent like you Izzy!" Darius said sarcastically as he slapped Jacob in the face and focused his attention back onto me. 

"You won't get away with this." I yelled.

Darius turned his attention back to me, his voice dripped with a menacing vengeance. "Ohhhhhhhhhhh, but you want to know something Izzy? I already have. And now, It's time for you to learn your place and where you belong."

As the men restrained Jacob and Darius began to approach me. The metal mod glints ominously in his hand. He leaned in close, his voice a whisper filled with chilling certainty. 

"El Diablo was born out of the power that I had Isabel. And if I have anything to say about it. You will understand that firsthand before the end."

In one swift motion, he brought the rod down on my shoulder again, the pain so intense that I thought I might pass out. But I persevered to stay alert. I refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing me break."

Suddenly, the door to the room swung open again and the sound of gunfire filled the air. Darius's men turned in shock and Jacob took advantage of the distraction. He broke free from his captors and lunged at Darius. The rod clattered to the ground as the two men grappled. 

"Watch out Flint! I shouted. 

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