p r o l o g u e

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Luke's POV - Present Day

"Let's play a fuckin rocking show tonight, aye boys," I hear Ashton say from the other end of the couch, probably talking to Calum.

I, of course, am not even paying attention because I'm too busy doing my hair in the front camera of my phone.

"Are you filming?"Ashton says, and I look up to see Calum pointing the camera of his phone at him.

"I just swore, you can't post this anywhere."

Calum, being the idiot he is, then decides to turn the camera to me as I continue to do my hair.

"Fuck you Calum!" I laugh as he shuts off the phone, probably posting the keek before he does so.

"What's all the yelling about?" I hear someone ask as they enter the room behind me. I turn around to be faced with the bright red hair of my best friend.

"Hey Mike," I smile as he takes a sear next to me, munching on a chocolate donut.

"Calum just videoed us swearing, is all."

I faintly hear Cal from the other couch say something like 'they've all heard it before anyway,' but I don't bother to correct him because I know he's right.

"Boys, five minutes until the show," I hear one of the stage managers speak from behind me.

The nerves start building up and honestly I feel as though I'm going to puke. I don't even know why.
I mean, I always get nervous for shows but this one feels different. Maybe because it's in Sydney and it's our home, so I feel the need to impress the audience more.

5 Seconds Of Summer have gotten so big, and we've actually taken over One Direction as the biggest band in the world. It's fucking crazy that we're just four best friends from downtown Sydney, Australia

"You okay Luke?" Ashton asks me, and I look up to see all four boys staring at me. "You look a bit pale, mate."

I shake my head, smiling faintly as I get up from the couch. "I'm fine. Come on boys! We need to get ready."


I grab my guitar, looping the strap over my neck before turning to face the boys.

Calum's bass and Michael's guitar are both slung over their heads; same as me, whereas Ash just has his drumsticks in his back pocket as he ties a red bandana around his head.

"You ready?" I ask, and they all nod.

"You're on boys," someone from the backstage crew says, pushing Cal on first.

He smiles wide, jogging up to his microphone. Michael goes next. Then Ashton. And then me.

I run out to the centre of the stage, grabbing my microphone. "Hello Sydney!" I yell, and the arena erupts into a fit of cheers.

My eyes scan the crowd and I can't help but smile at the amount of people who came to see us. I probably know people in this arena right now, seeing as I'm from here.

"Hey guys, we're 5 Seconds Of Summer!" Michael says into his microphone, breaking me out of my small trance.

"And this song is called End Up Here!" Calum yells, and we begin to play our instruments.

We get through about eight or nine songs before the arena lights turn blue, and Michael begins to speak.

"This song, is written by our dear Lucas over here," he says, gesturing towards me as the crowd screams again. "Anyway, this is 'Everything I Didn't Say.'"

Ashton's drums begin thumping, and Michael and I begin to sing the "oh's" in the background, leading up to when Calum begins singing.

Calum's solo goes so well, and I begin to get nervous as I step up and take the microphone in my hand as I begin singing.

"Taking every breath away
With all of the mistakes I've made
From all the letters that I've saved
This is everything I didn't say
I wish I could've made you stay
And I'm the only one to blame
I know hat it's a little too late
This is everything I didn't say." I

I finish singing the chorus, a small pain in my chest as the memories surface. The memories of why I wrote this song in the first place.

I sing the second verse and chorus, happy with how that went. Michael then steps up to his mic, and I can tell he's even more nervous than I was. He hates singing in front of people. He thinks he's bad, but I think his voice is amazing.

"I hope you know
For you I'd sacrifice
To make this right
Some day I'm sure
We'll pass each other by
Until that time."

We then sing begin to sing the last chorus of the song, huge smiles on all our faces.

"Taking every breath away
With all of the mistakes I made
From all the letters that I saved
This is everything I didn't-- Charlie?!"

My eyes catch on the familiar blue ones in the audience.
The entire arena goes silent, the only noise being my guitar dropping to the ground as I sprint off stage and into the audience, weaving through the screaming fans to get to the only girl I've ever loved.

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