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Luke's POV - 2 Years Earlier

"I feel like dancin' tonight,
I'm gonna party like it's my civil right!"

Ashton, Calum and I yell at the top of our lungs, watching as All Time Low parade around the stage.

I honestly can't believe that my Mum got us all tickets to their concert; best Christmas present ever, in my opinion.

We're at the back of the mosh pit, because Ash didn't want to go up the front due to his claustrophobia. Calum and I don't care though, it's still great from back here.

"Ash," I yell over the loud music and he turns to face me, a smile that has permanently been on his face the whole night. "I'm gonna go get some water, ok?" He nods before turning to face the stage again.

I weave through the crowd before reaching the path that leads to the small shopping area.

I walk up to a small stall and buy a bottled water, leaning against the side of the wall as I skull half of it.

Mum would kill me if she knew I left Ashton and Calum. I'm only sixteen, but Ash is eighteen so that's why she let me come. I don't think she realises that a puppy is legitimately more responsible than Ashton.

"Excuse me?" I hear a girls voice next to me, and I look down to see an extremely attractive girl with dark brown hair, brown eyes and a nose ring.

"Uh, yes?" I ask.

"Yeah hi. Um, have you seen a guy about your height, with blue hair and I think he's wearing an All Time Low shirt, and--"

"You mean the guy standing behind you?" I ask, cutting her off with a small smile. I'm

She spins around and when her eyes lock onto the boy, she instantly leaps on the guy who struggles to catch her.

"Mikey!" She laughs, wrapping her arms around his neck and nuzzling her face into the crook of his neck.

"Woah there," he laughs, hugging her back before his eyes land on me.

"Oh," he coughs, dropping the girl to her feet. "Uh, hey. I'm Michael," the blue haired guy says, holding his hand out.

"Luke," I smile, shaking it. "And you...?" I ask, referring to the girl.

"Madi," she replies.

"Well, nice to meet you's," I say. An awkward silence overcomes us and I try my best to break it. "So where are you guys sitting?" I ask. It's kind of hard to hear each other due to the loud music, but it's okay.

"Oh, we're up the back here. You?" Michael replies.

"Mosh," I smile, both of their eyes widening before an idea comes to mind. "You guys should come up there with me? My friends Calum and Ashton are there right now, but I have their tickets in my pocket. I could sneak yous in?"

Michael literally looks so excited like he's about to pass out, and I can't help but smile at the two of them as they hug. Again.

And that night, Ashton Calum and I made two new friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2015 ⏰

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