Unmasking The Devil, Himself.

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Chapter 2: Unmasking The Devil, Himself.

Melissa Pov:

"Isn't this umm too much?" I say looking at myself in the mirror, I'm wearing a green, white plaid mini skirt with a white baby tee and a cute vintage white jacket with it. "You look hot, M. Now shoes...let me think...-Ah yes, some cute flats" I nod yes flats heels hurt my feet so bad but they are very cute, I'll stick with flats for now. "Here." She passes me my white flats as I slide them on she looks me up and down proudly "I did very well, I have to post this-" "No, Stel. No pictures please." I pout.

She sighs "Fine, all my hard work and no pictures. Okay, how about makeup?" I shrug nervously "I usually don't wear any makeup...-" She smiles "Me either only when I take pictures and that's usually just mascara and lip gloss-" "Wait really?" I ask a little shocked. She chuckles "Yes, girls like us have it naturally M, we don't need a lot of makeup to look hot. Okay now here so clear mascara and your lashes are nattly curly so you should be fine with that and ooo a light red tinted lip gloss will look hot with that red plaid skirt, here." She passes me a light red tinted lip gloss I apply it with everything else passing it back to her, and she shakes her head giving them back "Keep them, they look better on you, and besides I have a lot of that stuff."

I nod smiling "Thanks." "Oh course, now let's get in class I think we both have Lucas in class today." I tilt my head questionably "We do?" She nods "Yep, yesterday I messaged some girls and they said he's in our period...so this is perfect, huh?" I nod "I guess so, but Stella...?" She looks at me worried as she brings her hands on both of my shoulders "What's wrong? Are you nervous, M?" I shake my head "No, I just um well...never liked someone this much before and no one has ever given me knots like he does-" She grins "Oh...that's adorable your first crush then? Maybeee even last." She winks while I roll my eyes playfully "Yeah...he is and shut up."

She giggles shrugging "Just saying....Now come on let's go, we shouldn't be late or wait should we?" I look at her with a confused face "No, I can't be I've never been late to any class before." She rolls her eyes playfully "Oh course you haven't, mhmm okay maybe just this once-"

She says with puppy eyes. "2 minutes late that's it." I frown god what's happening to me, all this for Lucas Willam. What bullshit. "Okay perfect let's go!" She says letting go of my shoulder and grabbing my hand. I've never had sure a friend before and never once have I had a best friend...Stella Madden is not what I imagined to be my first ever best friend before but she's very kind and bubbly...she's more of an extrovert when I'm more of an introvert. But here goes nothing...right?

"Okay, are you ready?" I nod, god I've never been even a second late to class, now I'm 2 minutes late, and that's a lot to me. Stella wraps her arm around my arm as we walk into the class, everyone of course turns their heads to us, I can't lie we look hot. Stella wore a pink plaid mini skirt with pretty much the same thing as me with 2-inch heels instead of flats which isn't a shock. We're pretty much matches just different types of shows and different color skirts.

"Well, well come in Ms. Madden and Ms. Jones. I'm used to you being late Ms.Madden, mhm but you Ms.Jones this is a shock you're usually what isn't she like 30 minutes early" The Professor says as she rolls her eyes and everyone around us chuckles. I don't see Lucas, because this room has so many damn students in it but I wouldn't be shocked if his watching this shit show. Stella is about to talk but I interrupt her which puts a big grin on her face. I walk down the steps with her on my arm. "Well, Professor Hart. You're right usually I am not so late...but my friend here needed some help finishing up a project so I'm very sorry Ms.Hart." I let go of Stella as she sat down next to me, and I sit down as well.

We're at the very bottom row. I smile back up at the professor leaning back as I cross my legs and arms "Anyway I'm truly sorry it won't happen again, Ms.Hart so please continue." Ms.Hart's mouth pretty much falls open as people around us chuckle lightly. Ms. Hart coughs "Well, well yes let's get back to the lesson please." "I'M SORRY We're late too!" Two blondes come into the room and sit next to me and Stella "Hey! Stella." One of them says. Stella gives them a glare and shrugs "Hey." "So is this your new roommate?" One of them asks her. "Yes, this is Melissa." "Wait, Melissa Jones? Amelia Lewis's old roommate and former friend?" I nod "Omg Hi! I'm Lily and this is Scarlett we're cheerleaders." They both smile at me as I nod. "Nice to meet you guys."

"Now leave." Stella growls. She has a nasty side to her doesn't she but I don't blame her before I can even say anything, a tall dark hair man with grey eyes and tattoos comes behind her and sets his very big muscle hands on her shoulder leaving down and whispering "You good, Stels?" She looks up and rolls her eyes at him and she shoves his hands off of him the other girls are looking at him speechless. As I go speechless seeing Lucas Willam right behind me. Wait...if Lucas is with him then this must be Damien Knight...Lucas's best friend. "Brat." Damien murmurs to Stella she growls back "Asshole."

Do they know each other? Interesting... I look back up at Lucas...and his eyes are already on me with that same look he only gives me... But as soon as one of the girls notices him he puts on that stupid goofy smile of his. "Hey, Lucas." Lily says flirtash. "Hello, Lily." He says patting her head like a dog, she just gives him a big smile. Gross...that must be one of his fuck bunnies. "Mr. Willam and Mr. Knight, what do you think you're doing get back to your seats, flirt later." The professor growls at them as everyone in the class laughs hard. I chuckles a bit too same with Stella. Lucas shoots me a glare and I just shrug it's not like I'm friends with him we've never even said words to each other before.

"Yes, sorry Ms. Hart we just had to get our girlfriends before they started more problems." Damien says with a smug grin as Lucas grins as well. "Girlfriends, my ass." Stella murmurs grabbing my hand and standing up. "Sorry, Ms. Hart they aren't our boyfriends. Just complete-" "Assholes that can't do anything but start problems I agree, S let's go" I interrupt her as all of them stare at me in shock. I just grin as I drag Stella out of there by her hand and she jumps proudly as we make it into the hallway. "Oh my god, you're a fucking queen you know that, M? That was badass." She giggles as I join in.

"Really?" She nods "Yes, and how they say that we are not dating either one of them-" "Wait Stella do you know Damien?" She nods "Sort of, but don't mind him he just likes starting problems let's go to lunch early, come on!" She drags me to lunch by my hand, god I hope we are clear for lunch, the amount of knots I got in my stomach from the looks Lucas was giving me is unbelievable!

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! You'll be seeing Lucas Pov in the next chapter!🤭

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