Where Do You Think You're Going, Butterfly?

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Chapter 3: Where Do You Think You're Going, Butterfly?

Lucas Pov:

What the fuck was my little Butterfly, wearing...that's not her she doesn't show off her body like that fuck though she looked so good...Those were her clothes though...I could tell her skirt was green she loves green, I know that from all the green stuff she wears and her school supplies are so many different shades of green. She must like all shades of green then...I've had my eyes on Melissa since the beginning of the year, but fuck she brings out my bad side, the side that wants to do very sinful things to her...very bad things to her.

I wanted to drag her out of the class as soon as she stepped into that damn room. Damien almost dragged Stella out the man is head over heels for Stella, but that got some beef going on not sure what but I can tell. Anyway, I'm not sure what to do with Melissa...I want her so fucking bad...but she clearly doesn't want me, here's the thing though I plan on chasing her I've tried in my own way. I thought keeping an eye on her she would notice me in some way and I don't know if it was completely stupid but that she would come to me but clearly she won't...she'll probably call me a stalker from how much I already know about her, here's the thing I want to know more and more...about her. She's all I think about 24/7 which fucking scares me, make's it easier since she doesn't go to the frat parties of the pit...

one of my favorite places really but I prefer to be around animals, I've always been passionate about animals I love taking care of them and helping those poor things that have to know clue what's going on, their just so innocent kind of like my butterfly, Melissa Jones. That woman is so innocent I can tell...I just can. How innocent I don't know but I will figure it out, soon...I'm sick of waiting for her to realize just how much I really want her. I can tell from her eyes that she wants me just as much, I just need her to admit it and when I catch my butterfly there will be nowhere she can go but in my arms. "Thinking about your girl, huh?" Damien says grinning at me as we make our way to the lunch room. "I bet you are too, Stella you still haven't figured shit out with her?" He shrugs "Well after her little scene today that's changing."

"What did she do?" He shrugs grinning "Oh nothing but be a brat, I'll get back at her though. Fuck why did they run off so damn fast." I chuckle as I murmur "My butterfly's fast...-" "Clearly." Damien says rolling his eyes as he asks me. "You've had your eyes on Melissa Jones since the beginning of the year, why now do you want to make a move?" I shrug "I thought she would come to me." Damien chuckles "Yeah right. We men have to do those hard parts, man, haven't I taught you anything? You call her your butterfly so chase your damn butterfly for once." I nod "I plan to...I thought that was what I was doing-" "By staring at her in that damn library like a stalker no man that doesn't make your sights on her clear, you have to actually tell the damn girl."

I look at him with a raised brow "How did you know about that?" Damien shrugs "I have eyes man and remember that one time I caught your damn ass." I hit his arm. "Shut up, I was just looking-" "Your pussy wiped man-" I chuckle "And you're not?" He huffs "Shut the fuck up." "I knew it." I say with a grin. As we make it into the lunchroom. I spot my butterfly she's of course with her new best friend Stella. I still don't understand Melissa doesn't really hang out with people, she's all school focused that's why she's always in that library even at lunch but not today..."Come on let's go, I'll talk to Stella and you can talk to Melissa.-" "That the plan, really?" He nods "Yes, got a better plan?" I shake my head and frown "Nope, but if they run I told you so." He nods patting my back "Come on let's go, before I throw you over there."

He would do that, so I started walking with him walking beside me. When we make it to the table Damien sits next to Stella and I sit next to Melissa, she stiffens...shit should I go down a little more so we're not so close and wiat is she holding her breath? "I'm going to go Stels, I talk to you later." Stella nods understanding as Melissa gets up and starts walking away. I get up just about to follow her Stella growls. "Don't hurt her, Lucas-" I grin I haven't even talked to Stella before and didn't she and Melissa just become friends, it's a good thing Melissa has someone so close now to keep her safe but from me no need though. "No need for that, S." Stella throws an apple at me as Damien chuckles beside her and she shoots him a glare as he keeps that grin on his face.

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