I Can't Breathe

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Chapter 9: I Can't Breathe

Lucas Pov:

I wasn't expecting to have another pantic attack so soon...especially in class! "Are you okay?" A random blonde chic asks me who's sitting next to me. I shake my head trying to take deep breaths in and out. FUCK! Why did it have to pop into my head in the middle of math class? I was feeling just fine before then. "Lucas..." This girl whispers gently touching my shoulder I slap her hand slightly and growl "Don't touch me." She nods and whispers back "It's Lily and I think you're having a pantic attack." Ah Lily that girl's been trying to fuck me for a long time now. She's not my type nor do I want her...I want-Melissa where's Melissa! I need to get my phone!

"Grab my phone and message Melissa to tell her to come to our class-" "Melissa Jones...? You two are-" "Yes. Now call her if you have to!" Lilly nods as she grabs my phone and her eyebrows raise "No password? That's unsafe-" "Seriously not right now!" I whisper growl. Think god people are so focused on what the teacher is saying. I try to come myself down but my heart fuck it just keeps pounding like crazy. "Hey, it's Lily...Um, Lucas said to call you he's having a pantic attack-Yes okay here he is" Lily passes me the phone I grab it so fast as Lily's eyes go big. My hands are shaking my crazy fucking hell! "Lucas...I'm on my way now Remember to take deep breaths in and out okay?" Melissa says softly through the phone. I nod even though she can't see me "Okay...my heart-" "I know...it'll calm down soon. Just keep taking deep breaths in I'm almost here-" "Melissa...?-" "Yes?" "I'm sorry...-" "For what?-" "For hurting you...for lying to you...I shouldn't have even done to that type of place-"

"Lucas I know but apologize later and besides you already did...I already forgive you Lucas just stay calm until I get there okay?" I nod once again. "Hurry butterfly." "I am, I'll be there soon." She assures me. "Okay...-" "I'm only a minute away, I'll see you in a second." "Okay...see you soon butterfly." Then she hangs up. Lily crossings her arms and leans back against her chair looking towards me "You really should go to the hospital Lucas... you're shaking up real bad-" "Jeez thanks and I fucking know that Sherlock.-" "Don't have to be a dick-" I shoot her a glare "Don't have to be a complete bitch-" "Lucas!" Melissa interrupts me and Lily's full-on glaring contest. I turn to look at Melissa crouching down walking towards me probably so the professor doesn't see her sneaking in. She grabs my face and looks at me all over the place "You're shaking-" "Yeah people keep saying that." I hiss as I glare once more at Lily. Melissa understands my frustration towards Lily being a complete bitch and shoots her a glare as well. "Focus back on class Lily I have it from here," Melissa growls.

Lily rolls her eyes "Who knew miss nerdy two shoes could be helpful and a none school way-" "Shut the fuck-" I growl towards Lily but once more Melissa interrupts me "We're leaving and oh Lily fuck off." That's my girl. "Come on Lucas." Melissa says as she grabs my hand "Let's get out of here" I grin down at Melissa she nods "My way though I'm not getting caught by Ms.James she'll kill me for sneaking you out" "We're adults screw her-" "She's our professor now come on." I nod as Melissa grabs my backpack and i put all my things in it before I put it on my back and we both leave the classroom the same way Melissa came in...

Melissa Pov:

"You brought a motorcycle today?" I ask with a frown...their cool but we have no room for our backpacks. Luca shrugs stills haking a bit...woah he's doing pretty good now since I showed up and got him. I told him to call me though I wasn't expecting Lily to answer but fuck it she helped and gave him the phone anyway. She might be a complete bitch but at least she did something nice. "Yes I did and?" He says with a boyish grin of his. Oh, boy here comes that one side of Lucas I cannot stand. I put my hands on my hip as Lucas hops onto the motorcycle "Meet my baby...a Ducati Diavel motorcycle, she's my-" "Your baby I get it, Lucas." I roll my eyes as he pats the empty space behind him "She's just a bike now come on-" I ignore him because he wouldn't call a bike a she or whatever.

God, I am jealous of a fucking bike! "Thought you just liked cars-" Lucas shrugs "I prefer both." I giggle as I hop onto the bike. "No room for anything on here-" Lucas shrugs "We only got our backpacks which we can keep on our backs so we're alright now where do you want to go?-" "Anywhere you feel like going right now." Lucas nods as he starts the bike and grabs my hands with a big grin on his face "Hold on tight, Butterfly." I do as I roll my eyes "Ass-" "Don't piss me off I'm enjoying this-" I smirk "Of course you are." Then he speeds off like a psychopath but to be honest this feels amazing! I wonder where this man is taking me and I think that is what's making me even more excited.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐲 𝐁𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐥𝐲 (𝐒𝐚𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 #𝟏)Where stories live. Discover now