Keep Lying, What Harm Can it Cause?

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After April and Mikey had gotten out all their excitement and news, they turned their attention to the problem at hand: Leo had a boyfriend. 

Well, calling it a problem was an exaggeration, but it caused quite a few problems. First of all, the fact that Leo was hesitant to come out was concerning. Did he not trust them? Was he worried about what they'd think? Did they give him the impression that they wouldn't accept him? It was a talk that April and Mikey were going to have with him after they fixed problem two: telling him that they knew about his boyfriend.

Given Leo's habit of keeping secrets, he probably wouldn't take well to being found out. This had April and Mikey brainstorming a way to reveal what they knew without Leo clamming up. So, April came up with the idea that they could 'find out' about it. She figured that they could catch Leo in the act, to say, naturally 'discovering' Leo's boyfriend and giving them to perfect chance to make sure Leo knows he has their support and adoration! 

However, there was one last thing they needed to do—Recon on Leo's boyfriend. So far, all they knew about him was that he was a rabbit and that he worked at Hueso's. They wanted to make sure that the person Leo was infatuated with was a good enough person for him. If he wasn't...then that could be easily fixed. Luckily, Hueso was a great judge of character!

"Hueso!" April shouted upon entering the restaurant. Standing at his usual spot, Hueso sighed and rolled his eyes, glaring at the two approaching him.

"Welcome back, Trouble," He sighed, grabbing two menus, "Is it only you two today?"

"Sorry, we ain't here to eat," April said, "We're here to find out about someone!" 

"Ah, using my connections, hm? Usually, it's only Pepino who does that," Hueso hummed, replacing the menus, "I'll see if I can help you,"

"We just wanna know about someone who works here," Mikey grinned, "Um, he's a white rabbit and he's a waiter here,"

"Ah, Pepino's boyfriend. I figured this would happen sooner or later," Hueso crossed his arms, "What would you like to know?"

"Wait, you know they're dating?" Mikey asked, "Leo hasn't even told us yet!"

"Oh, he didn't," Hueso chuckled, "It just wasn't that hard to figure out,"

"Yeah, that makes sense," April rolled her eyes, "Is he a good kid? Good track record?"

"He's alright," Hueso said, studying his nails, "Strong morals, responsible, respectful, he won't get Leo into any trouble," He quietly laughed, "Though, he's prone to distraction and is about as impulsive as Leo himself is, and given how head-over-heels he is, Leo won't have any problem dragging him into trouble. That's all you'd have to worry about,"

"Oh, good!" Mikey sighed, feeling his shoulders relax, "But now Leo has a partner in crime, which isn't as good. Whatever, is he working right now? I wanna talk to him!"

"No," Hueso shook his head, "You likely won't catch him before he's done,"

"Oh, are you going to fire him?" April asked.

"No, he's quitting," Hueso answered, "He's got another job as a bouncer. Or was it a bodyguard?" Hueso rubbed his chin, "No se, ask Leo about it when he comes clean. I know it's got something to do with him,"

April and Mikey glanced at each other. Something to do with Leo?


Leo leaned into the stretch, letting out a long breath as the pain slowly dissipated. He's gotten incredibly flexible over the past few months. At the start, he was pretty stiff, due to his leg and other injuries that he was being careful of. He had gotten a bit lazy with his stretches. In class, they regularly did exercises to become more flexible, and after a few months, he was doing splits left and right.  

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