6. Loyalty (Queen Ravenna)

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You were in the queen's dark castle. You were a knight. The queen's personal knighthood. It had its advantages, and you weren't complaining, a luxurious room near the queen's in case of emergency, with a balcony and private bathroom, etc.

The only problem is that the other knights and even the queen's own brother, Finn, looked at you strangely, with jealousy. They were jealous of your relationship with the queen. You didn't understand it because for you, it was just the typical relationship between knight and queen, but deep down, you wanted to be something more for her. That's why you became a knight, the only woman on the queen's entire staff, the other women were farmers or servants.

The queen, or as the people from the village called her, The Evil Queen, was cold and ruthless. Something you admired about her. 
Although inside the castle gates or with you, she behaved in a different way, kinder...softer.
And that's why for you, she was just Ravenna.

Recognizing that treatment and knowing that she only gave it to you, how those blue-green eyes looked softly at you, made you fall in love with her quickly.
But you and her brother fought for the attention of Ravenna, which of you was capable of doing the mission more efficiently and quickly, who was the one who best satisfied the queen's needs.

Although in the cold and cruel heart of the queen, there was always a small space for her brother, and you knew that you couldn't fight against that, but you were willing to have her heart.
You would do anything for her, even die for her, and you let her know every time you could, and she liked that, but deep down, she was afraid of losing you.

You had just returned from a mission. It was a simple one, tracking down whoever stole the supplies that were going to the castle. But for unknown reasons, the mission became complicated and took so long that you had to camp for a couple of nights in the forest.
When the issue was already resolved, you and your group of soldiers headed to the castle.

A few nights pulled the bodywork with the food due to the absence of the horses. You, full of wounds from having been fighting, under your armor, entered through the main door of the castle.

As soon as you entered, you were greeted by the queen's brother, Finn, who had a mocking smile. You ordered several knights to help the others and looked seriously at Finn.

"Tough mission, mhm? You know that you can always resign and go to a house in the town and work on what you should, huh?" Finn said with a smile and a mocking tone that made you angrier, but you hide it.

"The mission was harder than expected because some of your knights didn't do what I asked them to do" you said through clenched teeth.

"That's because they follow my orders, not yours," he said still with the mocking tone.

You slowly approached him, face to face.

"Well, if you want your little soldiers to stay alive, I recommend that you tell them to follow my orders. Here, I am the one who knows what life is outside, not you."

"And that's why you should be out of the castle and rotting with the others" He said and that's when he really got you angry, you were going to raise your hand to hit him but a firm voice stopped you.

"What's going on here?" The feminine and firm voice asked behind you.

You quickly separated yourself completely from Finn and lowered your head as you put your hands behind your back in a form of respect and submission.

"Nothing important, my beloved sister. We were just commenting on how well the mission went, weren't we Y/N?" Finn said with a raised look and a superior side glance.

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