Chapter 9: Delving into the market

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Aria's POV

Several months had passed since that day. Alastor and I, having exhausted our efforts to uncover valuable information within a small leopard tribe, resolved to relocate. Given the considerable distance from our home to the nearest lion tribe, the frequent journeys back and forth were impractical.

Consequently, we decided to temporarily settle within the Lion Tribe. As promised, it was crucial for us to gather intel on the ongoing competition among the lions to determine who would ascend as the next Lion King. Since the passing of the previous monarch a year ago. Invitations to participate were private and although any lion males can compete there are certain things to do to get an invitation to enter the tournament. Only the strong that proves themselves worthy may enter.

Currently, as I strolled alongside Alastor through the bustling marketplace, my thoughts wandered. Observing Alastor's intense concentration while he conversed with another lion beastman triggered a particular memory. I recalled the first time Alastor had told me; his burning passion as he spoke of his aspirations revealed his profound desire to become the Lion King. It was a goal for which he seemed willing to sacrifice anything .

His motivation for attaining such a prestigious status was deeply personal for him. He aimed at reuniting with his clan, and providing support for his people, who had endured struggles. Especially with the lion orcs declining. 

But passing that yesterday was fun, Alastor and I celebrated his new achievement of reaching his fourth mark. In the Beastworld, males gaining a mark is significant, symbolizing an extension of their strength and enhanced abilities. We cooked and ate a lot of food together ultimately leaving us to spend the rest of the day relaxing at home.

Now as my mind finally drifted away from yesterday. I found myself nearly colliding with another lion beastman from behind. It was at that precise moment that Alastor intervened, preventing what could have been an unfortunate mishap.

"Watch out, you could have fallen," Alastor cautioned, his voice laced with concern.

"Thank you," I replied.

With his large hand securely positioned at my waist, Alastor steadied me, ensuring I didn't tumble amidst the bustling crowd. The marketplace was a vibrant mosaic of beastmen, its spaces teeming and alive. Yet, amidst this throng, the lion beastmen dominated, their towering figures often reaching seven feet.

It was a startling realization to see that I was one of the few small figures navigating the market freely. Most of the males here effortlessly carry their females on their shoulders. It was a testament to their strength and most of all common practice within the beastworld. 

Despite this norm, the very thought of Alastor carrying me onto his shoulder was embarrassing for me to think about. Besides, I was not his mate, which left no traditional basis for such an act, further solidifying my desire to remain grounded and navigate the bustling market by his side.

Despite Alastor's caring and affectionate nature now, it would be more appropriate for him to carry his own mate one day.


By then, Alastor had just finished conversing with the lion beastman.

"Let's go," he said, his voice carrying a note of determination. "The male informed me that the elder over there knows the whereabouts and how to enter," he explained, gesturing towards a specific stall a few steps further down the bustling market street.

"Okay, let's go ask," I responded, nodding in agreement. Without further delay, we both made our way toward the indicated stall, eager to gather the information we sought.

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