Chapter 13: A price to pay

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After a tense argument with a lion beastman who had brown hair and was trying to buy the necklace from him, Alastor's efforts proved to be in vain. He not only failed to get the diamond necklace Aria had admired but also unintentionally made an enemy.

Luckily, it didn't end up in a fight...

That afternoon, as Alastor wandered through the market, he still felt disappointed. His somber mood weighed him down. The hardest part was walking through the market empty-handed.

He glanced at the various vendors selling unique goods, pondering what gift might make Aria smile, something that would catch her interest.

Alastor visited each stall, carefully examining the displayed goods, trying to decide what could be good enough. He knew the gift had to be perfect for her: beautiful yet not too pricey. Alastor was aware that if the gift seemed too perfect, Aria might think it was expensive. Which could make her guilty and refuse the gift from him. He knew that she didn't like him having spent all his money on her. But for Alastor he didn't care if all his money was gone.

Unlike other female orcs who enjoy receiving pretty and expensive gifts from anyone, even if it's from a random male orc trying to woo them, Alastor wouldn't dream of spending his money on other females. Instead, he happily spends his earnings only on his beloved, Aria.

From that afternoon, Alastor browsed through the various goods in the market. The only item he thought was suitable was a simple yellow bow. This bow was silky, featuring a tiny jewel in the center. Although the jewel seemed modest, it housed a small purple amethyst, elegantly placed at its heart. Upon checking the price with the vendor, Alastor found it to be expensive. The tiny amethyst set in the middle was a high-grade stone capable of channeling energy.

Nonetheless, he purchased it, planning to convince Aria that it wasn't as costly as it actually was. This simple yellow bow, unassuming in appearance but with a valuable gem at its core, held significant value.


As Alastor made his way home, he carefully held the wrapped gift in his hands, eager to present it to Aria. 

However, just as he was about to leave the market, something caught his attention. His ears perked up with curiosity, intrigued by a sound.

Moments before, his fluffy tail had been swaying happily, and his face wore an excited expression at the thought of reuniting with Aria. But all of that changed when he overheard a conversation between two lion guards at the exit. Alastor's cheerful demeanor instantly turned to shock, freezing him in place.

His dark purple eyes widened, and his body slightly trembled as he absorbed the words that triggered a profound reaction within him.

"She's there..." Alastor murmured.

Looking up at the sky, he felt a wave of confusion about what to do next. Driven by a promise made long ago, his determination to find "her", welled up inside him. 

His older sister.

Hearing the shocking news that his older sister was in the Skull Tribe, of all places, spelled trouble. He learned that his sister and many other females had been taken prisoner by the dominant tribe. She was a hostage in the Skull Tribe.

His mind was a battleground of conflicting emotions, torn between guilt and panic. He oscillated, looking back and forth between the direction of his home where Aria was and the vast forest that lay on the horizon.

Despite his older sister possibly having mates from the years that had passed. Alastor doubted they had survived. He knew his older sister well and she might have taken in cute and good looking males like sheep, foxes, or even peacock males. 

The Skull Tribe was notorious for its ruthless orcs, comprised of mercenaries, thieves, and criminals, all ruled by four leaders. Alastor knew this all too well, having been there before, and it was far from pleasant. Every day in the Skull Tribe, he witnessed death and constant fighting. Females were either locked up behind bars or forced into mateship. It was as savage as a feral pack, but this tribe acted feral. There was no peace, only violence and fighting to climb to the top.

Yet, his resolve hardened into decisive action, and he began his journey, driven by an urgent need to reach his older sister. 

However, another part of Alastor was wracked with guilt over leaving Aria's side, even if only temporarily.

He teeth gritted in resolute determination, Alastor's hands formed into tight fists. The revelation, the newly uncovered information regarding the whereabouts of  her, stirred a tempest within him that refused to be quelled. 

Alastor thought of his older sister as the opposite of him—bolder and more charismatic. Though she was strong-willed, Alastor knew that if he left her in the Skull Tribe, he feared the worst. His sister was strong and brave, but in the Skull Tribe, her sanity wouldn't withstand the brutality.

His decision was made and Alastor still hated it. Choosing between the two things precious to him was pure evil. Yet the more he knew better than to just think all day long. 

In a swift motion, he secured Aria's carefully gift into the side of his pants and bolted toward the dense forest that whispered secrets in the distance. 

Before vanishing into the lush forest, he halted allowing himself one final look. His lingering stare back at the house was what sadden him. But more importantly, the person he left behind. 

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