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We all ran out of the kitchen. I decided to take all the kids upstairs while Ender went outside to see what was going on.

I took the kids to the secret room and almost immediately Jamie and Susan came with other pups from the pack

"You all should not panic, alright? Everything will be fine" I said before locking the door with the kids, Jamie and Susan inside and headed out of the pack house to know who dares raid our land

"What do you want?" I heard James ask before I even got outside and the moment i made it outside I stood beside my brother as I stared at the intruder... The rogue king

Sebastian- the rogue king-is a very ruthless king. He kills anyone that as much as crosses his territory, so what exactly is he doing here

What makes it worse is that he is a chosen one

Over the last three years, the battle of the chosen one has been ongoing

I have managed to slaughter any chosen one that as much as come in my way

But when I tried killing Sebastian, I couldn't because just like every other chosen one, he has a unique power which makes it almost impossible to kill him

For some reason, Aria has always been a target to every chosen one even though the news of her being my daughter is not yet known to the public

And the same technique was used by Sebastian. The most annoying part was that he released her two days as a way of mocking me because news spread that I always successfully kill any chosen one that takes her

Sebastian and I have a long time history

His family were once members of this pack and we were even bestfriends, until the day his family got banished for leaking our pack's weak point to a rivalry pack

From what I heard his parents were killed by other rogues

"Am I not allowed to visit an old friend?" The look on Sebastian's face showed that he was here to make trouble and not just to 'visit an old friend'

"No, you're not allowed here since you will probably kill her just to get more power to defeat Elias and me" Ender uttered calmly, but I could sense the venom in his voice

"I mean no harm for now" I scoffed loud enough for him to hear as he looked at me and then back at Ender with that eerie smile plastered to his face

"I'm just here to talk"

"Talk about what?" James asked maintaining his stance in case Sebastian has anything up his sleeves

"Oh, not to you, but to my little friend"

My expression instantly changed because I knew who he was talking about, but there's no way I'll let him anywhere close to her

"Never wake a sleeping lion, it is best you leave now before this gets ugly for you" Ender spoke with so much authority that I instantly understood why no one dares mess with his clan

One of Sebastian's man took a step forward in an attempt to attack, but Sebastian raised his hand telling him to stop in his track

"Like I said before, we are not here for war but if you want a fight, I will give it to you"

"Threatening me in my own land is not one of your best decisions now is it Alpha Sebastian? At least show some respect while you're in my territory"

"Oh, my apologies Alpha James, I just wanted to see my little friend since she managed to slip from me the last time"

I furrowed my eyebrow in confusion

What does he mean by 'she managed to slip from him', he gave her to me

If that's the case, then when was the last time? Did my baby go missing again and I didn't notice

''What do you mean?"

"Slip from you?" Summer and I asked almost at the same time as we looked at each other with confusion written all over our faces

"Just leave" Ender said with anger lasing through his voice

I ignored him as I looked at Sebastian for answers to my question

''Let's just say for starter that Ender knows Aria is his child"

My head whipped towards Ender's direction as I searched his face for any confirmation that what I just heard was a lie, that what Elias just said was a complete lie and that he never knew Aria was his daughter because if he did know, then why was he questioning me earlier about who the father of my child was

"How did you know?" It felt like time stopped and it was just both of us left as he avoided my gaze but answered nevertheless

"I knew you were pregnant even before the council told me, way back to that day in school"

So he did know, then why did he pretend like he didn't know and why did he come to find her after all this years

Why now?

''You knew all this while and didn't bother to even come for your child" This time he looks at me with remorse on his face

"Emily calm down" Summer's voice brought me back to reality as I looked at her and then at the smirking Sabastian

"Leave" I commanded with a shaky voice as I felt tears cloud my vision

"I guess I'll have to come back some other day, let's go guys"

And with that they all bolted out of our territory and turned my attention back to Ender

"So you knew all this while a-"

"I can explain Emily"

''Do not fucking distract me while I'm talking Ender. If you really loved me like you claimed, you would have come to see me, you would have come to see us, but no, you just had to wait for five years before you could come see us and you think you can just walk through that door and come into Aria's life ? How much of a fool do you think I am? how much more are you going to hurt me Ender? How much pain do I have to endure? You know what, you cannot be a father to Aria because I will never allow it"

I placed my palm on my forehead as I tried controlling my breathing because I was almost out if breath

"You begged me that night Ender, you begged me and I gave you what you wanted, now I am begging you, STAY AWAY FROM ARIA AND ME''






 Hey guys,

Guess who is finally back

Medical school has been taking all my time, but, I am finally on holiday and i'll try my best to post TCL until it is finally complete

Don't forget to


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Hearts and Kisses😘😘

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