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Hi my name is Emily and currently in my human age I am 12 years old but in my vampire age I am 72 years.

Currently I'm been woken up rudely by my elder brother who is like 90 years in vampire age and 17 in human age.

But unfortunately both I and my brother are hybrids(vampire and werewolf)

I love my brother and all but sometimes he can be a pain in the butt

I don't mind been woken up by 7:00am in the morning but come on, using a pillow is not one of his best ideas

"Wake up butt face" James yells into my hear

"OK" I groan in response

Opening my eyes I see James and Anna starring wide eyed at me

You are probably guessing who Anna is.........

Well apparently she is my brother's pet and yes I mean pet

You know when vampires get hungry, they need someone to feed from, well that is what pets are for. I am really close with Anna, not only because I get to see her everyday and all but because she is a human and I love making friends with humans.

I know it is weird for vampires to have some kind of connection with a human, but I just love humans, that is why I don't have a pet yet.

Well according to my brother, the reason I don't have a pet is because I am a very big softy, which is kind of true

Vampires cannot do without blood, that is why we have a big forest at the back of our house...for hunting ...far away from civilization

"What?" I asked my brother who was still starring at me

"Well your hair is like pointing in different directions and you have a bite mark on your neck"

"What?! A bite mark, how is that even possible?"

"We need to tell dad, fast" James said with anger already forming in his eyes as it begins to darkens

"Yeah, I agree with that, I mean who would bite you without you even knowing" Anna said looking scared

Using my vamp speed, I ran into the bathroom in front of mirror and I gasp loudly at what I saw.

Not only did I see the bite mark clearly visible meaning it is of recent, but I looked paler than usual

Normally vampires are pale but this time, I look paler which scares me to death and now I suddenly feel hungry

Not for food but for blood
Hey guys
I hope you enjoyed this chapter
Word for today is:
No matter what you are facing, just know that all is going to be well

Please don't forget to
Hearts and kisses 😘😘

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