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Emily has been totally moody since morning and right now we are heading to Physics class which we have with Ender and Summer

Here is why I am having class with a grade 8 student

Well apparently my physics teacher called and said he was sick and we are kind of treating the same topic so why not join them

Well my whole class were forced to join the class so....

"Everyone please settle down" The new middle school physics teacher said looking pissed

I am not sure but the man looks quite familiar

"So everyone, welcome to my class, I will be your new physics teacher for the semester" He said looking at everyone

"My name is Levi Edwards or you can call me Mr. Edwards" Once he said that, everyone were shocked

Some people began chattering amongst themselves but i instantly remembered who he was and I'm guessing Emily does too because she looks unfazed

"Pipe down class!" He yelled to catch everyone's attention

"I know what all of you are thinking and yes I am Enders dad or father...whatever"

Well know what we are can read mind like every other vampire

"I would appreciate it if you guys pay close attention to my class because I deal mainly with quantum physics" He said

"Did you know he was Enders Father"A girl at the back whispered to her friend but I can hear her loud and clear and I know every other vampire in this room can

"No, but the man is sure as handsome as His son"Her friend responded also whispering

"He looks like he is in his early thirties"

"Yeah I know" she said

For some reason Emily kept staring at Ender

"Does she like him?" I asked myself

"O God please he should not be her mate" I mentally prayed causing Emily to snap her eye at me

"How dare you use your powers on me?" I asked mentally because I know that she can read my mind causing her to smile

"Alright class, according to the student board, since this semester comprises mainly of assignments and projects in both physics and chemistry" he paused

"I would need to pair you guys in a group of two's" Furrowing my eyebrow and looking round the class, I saw that Ender was staring immensely at my sister making me boil with anger and yell before I could control myself

"Can you quit looking at my sister?"

The whole class attention was immediately on me and Emily....and I know she hates attention but I was just so angry

"Is there a problem Mr. Vanderwood?" Mr. Edwards asked me, anger visible in his eyes but that didn't stop me

"Yeah, can you ask your SON to quite looking at my sister like she is his prey?" I said with so much hatred

The whole class was quiet, even Mr. Edwards didn't say anything but my anger erupted when I caught Ender still looking at my sister

Who does he think he is?

Fed up with his bullshit, I stomped to his desk and held him by the collar of his cardigan

"Look at my sister one more time and I promise your sister would be my next target" I said completely pissed

"An eye for an eye, don't forget that" I said through gritted teeth but all Ender did was chuckle

"I'd love to see you try" Ender said causing me to throw my fist at him and I could swear I saw a glimpse of his eyes change and fangs before I was dragged far away from Ender

The most surprising thing was that Emily immediately ran to Ender to check if he was "OK"

I know she is beginning to have feelings for him, I just know it

"Everyone settle down NOW!!" Mr. Edwards yelled

That came out more as a growl than a statement causing everyone to go back to their sits

No one want to mess with the king of vampires especially not a freakishly strong one

I still kept my eyes on Ender and Emily who is now sitting besides him

"Ender, Emily, James, see you in detention today" Mr. Edwards said

"What?!! This is totally unfair, I didn't say anything when he was screaming his head off and I didn't lift a finger when he hit me"Ender exclaimed angrily

"How do I get a detention?" Ender continued

"And what did Emily do to deserve a detention"He said looking at Emily who still kept quiet

"Would you like two days detention or maybe a suspension for speaking to me like that or maybe something harder than a punishment" Mr. Edwards said looking at Ender straight in the eyes looking more calm than before

"No sir" Ender said calming down also and looking down ......a sign of submission

"Good" Mr. Edwards said pulling a sheet of paper from his desk and giving it to the girl in front of him

"Pen down your names so that I can group you guys, is that clear" Mr. Edwards said

"Yes sir" The whole class shouted
Another chapter ended again
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Ps- I would be updating every Wednesday from now on....since I have a lot on my plate right now

Thanks guys you all

Hearts and kisses😘😘

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