Part 2

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Brooklyns POV:

"We're here." My sister said loudly making me jump slightly "Jesus Imogen you didn't have to say it that loud." "Sorry." She said while shrugging her shoulders.

I got out of the car and started to walk to the other side of the car to where Imogen was when I got stopped in my tracks by Noa "you didn't say anything about how we know each other?." "How could I?... I didn't know you were friends with my sister." "Okay good." "Good?." "I didn't mean it like that." "Chill I know I was just messing with you." "You look great Brooklyn." "You too Noa."

I started to walk towards Imogen, all those feelings I had for Noa in juvie all of a sudden came back like darts, I didn't think I would see her again and there she is. "Are you sure we are ready for this?." Imogen and the others all said "no." "Okay then." We all walked into the building hesitantly. " I need to go to the bathroom." I said to the girls and headed to it "yeah same." Noa said a few seconds after "okay Imogen said.

I was at the sink taking out a pill bottle when all of a sudden I hear the door open "hey." The voice said and I looked over to see the brunette "hey." "Are you using again?." "What no... after you left I ran into trouble with some women at juvie." "What did they do?." "They stabbed me puncturing my right lung, so I have to take these for a while." Noa looked down "I wish I was there to make sure nothing ever happened to you." "You don't need to care about me Noa you got Shawn I'm going to be okay." "I don't love Shawn the way I love you B." " we made it pretty clear that it had to stop because of Shawn regardless of feelings." " but what if I want you and not him?." "If you want me you have to end things with Shawn." "Yeah I know." "So let me know when you made your decision, I will wait even if it takes a life time I'll wait." Noa smiled and I got closer to her and kissed her cheek.

We both locked our eyes at each other, the intense feelings growing between us. " I want to kiss you so bad B." I looked into her eyes "Noa." "I don't care." "But what about Shawn." "Just shut up." With that Noa was leaning forward to me slowly, I know I should breakaway but I just can't so I closed the gap. The kiss was slow and soft at first but then began to get more heated through time.

A few seconds later we broke away "maybe we should go the others will be wondering why we are taking so long." "Y-Yeah you're right let's go."I stood there for a second before I spoke again "why didn't you call me?, you said you would but never did." Noa looked down to the floor facing the door than turned around to look at me "because I didn't want to be reminded of what I lost." "I was waiting for days for your call but nothing ever came through." "I know and I am sorry I just I couldn't." I looked down and then walked out the bathroom.

Noa's POV:
Did I want to call her yeah of course but even just hearing that soft voice of hers made me feel everything i just I couldn't continue our relationship not when I have a boyfriend it's not fair on Shawn, he never did anything to me he's a really good guy.

I walked out of the bathroom and saw Brooklyn looking sad it just broke my heart, I would never know what she really went through in the prison but by the sounds of it, it wasn't good and I feel so guilty.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Imogen speak "where is this got damn office?." "It's over there where it says office over the door." Brooklyn said making all of us giggle "thank you Sherlock." "You are welcome." We all walk over to the office and open the door "and who might you all be?." The lady at the desk said "oh um I'm Imogen and this is my sister Brooklyn, then we have tabby, Farah, Noa and Mouse we were told that we-." "Yes yes I know who you all are, here are the keys to all of your rooms two people in each they are assigned so we have Farah and mouse sharing, tabby and Imogen sharing and em Noa and Brooklyn sharing."

Both me and Noa shared a look then quickly looked away "okay you can all go now classes will start at 8 tomorrow so NOT be late if you are late you will have the punishment of detention."  We all looked at each other and quickly walked towards the rooms soon followed by everyone entering them "so I guess this is us." "Yeah guess so." We looked at each other and then entered "huh not bad... so.... Which be-?." I was cut off while I was Turing around by Noa quickly connecting her lips to mine in a rough kiss "Noa, what about Shawn?." "Fuck him." Noa said re-attaching our lips still in a heated kiss, I lean down and grab her thighs signalling her that I am going to lift her up. She whispers "bed." So i obliged and brought her over to my bed.

"B I- i need you, I need you inside me." Noa said slightly in a whisper while I was kissing her neck probably leaving marks "are you sure?." I said moving to look at her with heart eyes "quite." I unbutton my pants "oh my god baby you're so hard." "Well you have that effect on me love." I said still kissing her neck. Noa takes her shirt off and then takes mine off while she goes down to my underwear to take them off "do you want me to make you extra hard?." " no baby I want to make you feel good." "Okay." With that Noa gets on top of me by turning us over and getting on my thighs holding my dick so she can adjust it so she can put it inside her "oh fuck, that feels so good baby." "But I don't have condoms." "I am on the pill baby I have been just in case with Shawn." "Fair." After a second Noa started to ride my dick "omg baby yes." Noa said moaning "fuck baby you feel so good over me." I said latching onto her and face kissing her body.

"Omg I'm- I'm going to cum B." "Cum for me baby cum for me." "Are you close?." "Yes yes I am my love." With that I can feel Noa tightening over my dick and then releasing over me which made me cum inside her "oh fuck that felt so good baby." "It sure did my love."

Noa fell down on top of me panting "I love you B." "I love you to baby."

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