Part 20

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Beep Beep Beep


I opened my eyes slightly to the sound of beeping "where am I?." I said when I saw someone sitting beside me I could see who it was since my sight was blurry. " oh you're up, you're in the hospital baby." A voice said I immediately recognised it it was Noa "W-what happened?."

Noa came closer to me and took my hand "you were in an explosion, A was there and well you almost died." I looked at her "did we get A?." Noa looked at me and shakes her head side to side, immediately I knew A got out of "shit." "It's not your fault you did what you thought was needed."  I looked at her then looked down "hey don't." Noa said putting her index finger under my chin, making my face look at her " I almost died and when I thought it was it my mind kept telling me do not give up don't leave you behind." Noa smiled slightly "a second chance at life... a second chance with me." I looked at Noa "I love you pretty girl." "I love you too baby." She leaned down and kissed my lips I looked at her after " I promise I will never do anything stupid like that again."

Noa laughed "good cause I don't want to lose you." " you won't next time I'll let someone else risk their lives." Noa looked at me and kissed me again "ugh when can I go home?." As I said that a doctor came in "you'll be set to go later today." " I think the doctor heard you." Noa whispered to me.

Later that day

"Home sweet home." Noa said when we arrived at our dorm room "feels good to be back." "Now sit down on the couch baby, you need to rest your leg your arm and lung." I looked at her and nodded slightly "sure babe." She smiled "do you want a drink?." "Yeah I'll have a Diet Coke." "Okay babe." Noa gave me my drink and sat on the other side of the couch "so what do you wanna watch?." "How about scream?." "I have had enough horror for a life time." I said looking at Noa " true, 10 things I hate about you?." "Perfect!." Noa said typing it in.

"I love you baby and if it's quite alright I need you baby, to warm the lonely night I love you, baby, trust in me when I say, oh pretty baby, don't bring me down, I pray, oh pretty baby, now that I found you, oh let me love you baby, le let me love you!...."

Noa and I sang together when that part came on and let me tell you she sings like an angel "that's my favourite part of the movie." "Really?." "Yeah." " my favourite part is the poem part." "Fair, but you did love singing with me." "Of course I did baby you are my one, you set my world on fire baby." "Did you just steal that from Renee raps song the wedding song?." "Of course not!." I said looking to my right, Noa came over to me making sure she didn't hurt me and kissed me "you are such an idiot but you are my idiot."
I smiled and kissed her back.

"I wish we didn't have this A problem." Noa said to me in bed "me too but somehow I don't want this to end or be different." "What do you mean?." "Us, somehow this A thing has really brought us together." Noa looked at me "I suppose so I mean it just sucks to have that person taunting us all the time." I looked down at Noa " we can't have A be the thing that will define us." "It's not B!." Noa said shouting slightly "I didn't mean it like that I meant if A hadn't of been there lurking we wouldn't have met or got together again." Noa sat down "sorry, I didn't mean to shout, I think you're right."

"Right now I wish I could jump your bones baby I am so horny you have no idea." I looked down to Noa who looked at me and bit her lip " you are dirty baby." "No just horny." I said with a smug smile on my face.

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