Part 12

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-the next morning-

Brooklyn and Noa were sleeping in each others arms Noa and Brooklyn holding hands. Brooklyn woke up and looks at Noa smiling "you know it's rude to stare baby." "I was not staring I was admiring my sexy girlfriend." "Well then, keep admiring me baby." I smiled then a sharp pain came over me "Argh." "You okay baby?." "Yeah but I think my bandage opened making the cut open again." "Lift up your arms." Brooklyn did so "yeah it's open, let me just get the bandages but first let's wash then I'll fix it up for you baby." "Sure thing baby girl." Brooklyn gets up limps to the bathroom to shower with Noa. "What time is it baby?." Noa goes to check her phone "6:30, we have a lot of time." "Well let's get some coffee and food then." "Not what I wanted to hear baby." "What did you want to hear baby girl?." "Well maybe I wanted to hear you say you wanted to fuck me but food is good too." "Not today baby girl I'm tired from last night and my body isn't able for any today." "Not even if I fuck you?." "Even that, but maybe later or tomorrow" Brooklyn said with a little bit of a flirty attitude.

-a few minutes later-

Noa and I made it to the cafeteria where we met the girls "hey Imogen can we talk?." I said "oh sure, what's up?." "Um in private please." "Oh okay." Noa looked at me confused "why does she need to talk to Imogen in PRIVATE?." She said the the other girls they all shrugged their shoulders "I don't know." Mouse said.

"So what's up B?." "I want to go on a date either Noa this weekend and I want to get her a promise ring I love her and want to promise her that I'm hers forever." "Why are you telling me this?." "Because I need your help." "To size her up?." "I'm yeah." "But don't you have more access to her rings and stuff." "Yeah I do but you know how bad I am at hiding things." "True okay I'll help you out." "Thank you." I smile at my sister and hug her.

I saw Imogen and Brooklyn walking in, I felt so out of the loop "what did you guys talk about?." "Nothing much, I just had to ask her about something." I frowned my brows "are you going to elaborate? Or..." "go out with me tomorrow." Brooklyn said out of the blue "like on a date?." "Yeah of course what else?." "I'd love to baby." I said leaning in to kiss her "love you baby girl." I smiled "love you too baby." "What class do you have first baby?." "English but the teacher is sick so I got two free periods but I'm going to practice for both periods." I nod "I'll see you after class." "Okay." We kissed each other "bye baby girl." "Bye."

-1 hour later-

Noa finished her class and made her way to the music room "that sounds so good baby." "Noa, you scared me." "Oh sorry baby." Noa said walking towards the piano where B was sitting, Brooklyn turned around for Noa to sit on her lap "you know what sounds even better baby?." "What?." "You moaning my name." Brooklyn bites her lips "babe I told you my body isn't able." " I know." "Babe you are actually hurting me by sitting on my knees." "Ugh, I swear when your better I am going to ride the shit out of you." Brooklyn laughs " I won't complain about that." Noa smiles and makes out with Brooklyn.

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