05 | life's better on saturn

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05 ☆ ( "I CAN'T DO THIS

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05 ☆ ( "I CAN'T DO THIS." )

I got on the train, Hanae, Sunoo, and Jungwon following behind me quietly

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I got on the train, Hanae, Sunoo, and Jungwon following behind me quietly. "Hanae," Sunoo nudged her, unknowing of the fact he talked a little bit too loud that I could hear him. "What happened to Sato? Why does she look so down?"

"Don't ask," Hanae huffed, leaning against the pole. Jungwon placed a safety arm behind her, holding his hand over her head so that he could grab onto one of the handles. "It's Nishimura."

I swallowed, gripping my bag as if it held millions of dollars in it. If it could suck me in, protect me from the outside world... I would live in it for the rest of my life. "Oh, it's Nishimura!"

Damn it. I lifted my head and saw him jogging over to our train, the doors almost closing. He ran a little faster, and if I was correct by the amount of time it would take for the doors to close, he could make it in and take the seat right next to me. My heart pounded and my eyes widened. I couldn't go through that right now. No, not with this rejection that began to swallow me like I was bait on a hook. No–I wasn't going to let him talk to me. If I did, I'm pretty sure I'd sob.

"Anyway, Rie, are you– W-wait, Rie! Where are you going!?" I grabbed my bag and charged out of the train just as Riki entered, the doors closing right behind me. Riki widened his eyes as he faced me, tilting his head in confusion at my actions. I stared right through him, wanting to read him, wanting to gauge what was going on in his head–but the more I stared, the more fogged my mind became.

Riki took a step forward as the train began accelerating, unable to take his eyes off me until he was no longer in sight. I swallowed as I stood there, holding back the tears I so desperately wanted to shove away. Still, they fell to the concrete, my head lowering at the sun's glow.

A fool. I was a fool. No matter how else I convince myself, no matter what Sunoo could tell me about how humans are most illogical therefore it cancels out... I hated being that way, but I was. I was a fool. What kind of world did I think I was getting into? I knew from the moment I met Riki that there was no chance, no possibility of us getting together anywhere else than the classroom or the train would happen. Even from that special day in spring, when he caught me and saved me... in his eyes, the notorious glimmer was like a flashing camera. He was a star.

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