Jabba's Palace

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The speeder glides towards Jabba's palace, the last rays of sunlight casting an orange glow on its imposing walls. Cam expertly slows down the vehicle, her eyes fixed on the massive structure before her. Its grandeur and power seem to emanate from every stone and turret, making her feel small and insignificant in its presence. The heat of the desert air is almost suffocating, but Cam can't tear her gaze away from the palace that represents both fear and awe in this barren world.

"This looks like a fortress."

"Having second thoughts?" Ben asks.

"Not a chance."

She stops the speeder a short distance from the entrance. "How do we do this? Is there like a secret entrance or something?"

"We go up and knock."

They get out and approach the entrance. Creatures scurry across the sand in front of them, but otherwise all is quiet. Ben knocks on the door.


Then a hole opens up and a GATEKEEPER DROID pokes its eye out. It asks in Huttese, "What do ya want?"

Ben replies in Huttese. "We're here to speak to Jabba the Hutt."

"You have an appointment?"

"No, but it's very important."

The droid's eye studies them for a second more. Then it laughs and withdraws into the door.

"I'm guessing that didn't go well?" Cam says.

"Be patient."

A few seconds later the gate opens up. Ben and Cam study the darkness. 

"So do we just go in?" she asks.

Ben nods. He enters first, Cam close behind. The gate closes behind them.

The darkness in the palace is thick and suffocating. The only source of light is a faint sliver coming through a crack in the gate. Ben ignites his lightsaber, casting a gentle glow around them.

Cam shivers as she hears the sound of bugs crawling on the walls. She tries to suppress her fear, reminding herself that she is here for her sister. But the eerie atmosphere of the palace makes it difficult to stay calm.

Suddenly a figure shuffles forwards out of the darkness. Ben readies his saber.

The figure is revealed as BIB FORTUNA, Jabba the Hutt's major domo. He studies the new arrivals suspiciously.

Bib asks in Huttese, "Why are you here?"

Ben replies in Huttese, "We wish to discuss a business opportunity with your master."

"Jabba the Hutt has no time for you."

Ben waves his hand. "You will take us to Jabba's throne room now."

Bib is entranced. "I will take you to Jabba's throne room now."

He leads them into the more well-lit portions of the palace. Ben holsters his saber.

Fortuna leads Ben and Cam through the twisting corridors of Jabba's palace. They pass by various chambers, some filled with creatures sleeping or gambling, others empty.

"Jabba doesn't seem to be much for decorating," Cam whispers to Ben.

"This place is all about function," Ben replies. "And encouraging fear."

Finally they arrive at a large chamber. The throne room.

The familiar menagerie of aliens are present, most of them sleeping or lounging around. But there is one crucial difference--the throne is empty.

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