Tusken Peace Negotiations

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Cam stops the landspeeder on the outskirts of the Tusken camp. She and Ben get out and approach slowly.

The Tuskens burst out of their huts, growling and snarling with ferocity. Sharad Hett steps out as well. He remains silent, calculating his next move as the tension thickens in the air.

"We have come to make peace with you," Ben says. "And seek your aid with a common foe."

"You should not have come back," Hett says. "Now you will both die."

He advances towards Ben, gaffi stick raised. Cam steps between them. "You think killing us will stop Jabba and his minions coming after you? You're being used. Once they get the farmers out of the way they'll--"

Hett knocks her out of the way with his stick and continues towards Ben. "Ready to lose this battle a second time?"

"Perhaps." Ben smiles. "There's one difference this time, though." Hett swings at him. Before the gaffi stick can make contact with his head it stops dead. Then it is wrenched out of Hett's grip as if by an invisible hand.

"I'm not fighting by your rules anymore," Ben continues.

Hett growls in frustration and punches Ben in the face. Ben stumbles back and Hett uses the distraction to pick up his stick. He leaps through the air, stick raised in what looks like a killing blow.

Ben rolls out of the way at the last second. He uses the force to hurl a cloud of sand and small rocks into Hett's face, blurring his vision.

Ben kicks Hett in the side, knocking him over. "Listen to me, you fool. I'm not trying to kill you. We can work together. You're a good person. That's why you didn't kill me before. Help me end the cycle of violence."

"It will end with the death of the Jedi."

He leaps back on his feet and swings at Ben's legs, knocking him over. He bring the stick down at Ben's head but Ben moves away just in time and the stick connects with sand.

Ben kicks Hett and then gets back to his feet. Hett runs at him, staff raised.

Ben pulls out his lightsaber and ignites it. He cuts the staff in two.

The other Tuskens gasp in shock. Hett stares at the broken stick.

"Surrender," Ben says.

Hett shakes his head. He advances on Ben, unarmed but unafraid.

Nearby, Cam gets up, her head bloody from her fall. She sees Ben with his saber raised, ready to strike at Hett.

She hurries over and puts herself between them again.

"Stop it!" They both stare at her silently. "This is just what the gangsters want. Us killing each other. They've got Imperials involved now. If we don't stand together, they'll wipe us all out."

"How do you know this?" Hett asks.

"Someone inside the Hutt organization told us. You think you tribe can survive Imperial Stormtroopers?"

"We can hide. We've done it before. This isn't our battle."


Ben turns off his lightsaber. "She's right. There's no hiding from what's coming. Join us."

Hett looks from his tribe to the outsiders. "I will need to discuss this with my people."

"There isn't time. They will be at the Sunber farm by tomorrow. Most likely at dawn."

"I will allow you to leave," Hett says. "But you cannot force us to join you. I must do what is right for my people."

"Then I hope that you realize our goals align. We will leave you in peace."

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