Chapter 2 - Birds of a Feather - Part 2

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Location: Under the Tunnel - Indigo Park


After Y/n went inside the tunnel that lead to one of the park's attractions, Rambley's Railroad, the tunnel collapsed behind him, trapping Y/n inside. Luckily, he survived and only had a few minor scraps and bruises.

Y/n: Whoa! That was close. I've could've been killed under that rubble, but at least I'm OK...for now that is. I better find a way out or I'm probably going to die in here.

So Y/n wandered around the tunnel to find a way out as he saw posters of the many attractions of Indigo Park such as Rambley's Railroad, Finley's Ocean Odyssey, Mollie's Rooftop Races and of course, Lloyd's Main Stage Theater.

Then he went into one of the restrooms since he had to go pee as he did his business in the men's restroom before spotting something in the corner of the restroom as Y/n gasped in surprise to find a Rambley the Raccoon, Raction Figure and it's in perfect condition as Y/n grabbed it as and put it in his backpack before moving on.

Y/n: Man, I can't believe I managed to find a Rambley Raccoon Raction Figure in perfect condition. I always wanted one of those and now I do.

Then as Y/n passed the entrance to Rambley's Railroad, Rambley appeared in the TV Monitor and was happy to see Y/n still alive and well after he got caved in from the rubble.

Rambley: Oh thank God, you're alright! I mean, pardon our dust, buddy! Looks like the park is going through some...renovations. 

Y/n: That was weird. That was weird when you just said that before you mentioned that the park is going through some renovations. I'll remember that.

Rambley: Uh....for the inconvenience, your Rambley Tuesday discount will be (Glitches out) (free​​) PERCENT OFF! Why not celebrate this great deal with a ride on my railroad?

Y/n: Sure! I will love to ride your railroad! That's my favorite place to go to in my grandpa's park. Except the part with (Sarcastic Tone) Lloyd! God I hate that egotistical nutcase lion! He's so annoying!

Rambley: Tell me about it. Uh, I meant, to test your sleuthing skills, I'll let you find this one by yourself! You know what I'm talking about! (Nervous Laugh)

Y/n: OK that was another weird one, but I'll let it slide this time until I can find a way to solve the problem with the mascots to bring grandpa's park back on the map.

Then Y/n walked away to get to Rambley's Railroad to ride the train to another area of the park, not even noticing that Rambley suddenly starting to remember who Y/n was when he mentioned about his creator and owner of the park, Issac Indigo as his grandpa.

Rambley: Grandpa? Grand-pa? That's really weird. I know I've seen him before, but I'm still trying to remember who he is. No way. He can't be Isaac's grandson. Has he returned here to bring the park back in business? Hmm...I think I should keep following him and make sure he doesn't get seriously hurt like how I've been keeping Y/n safe back when the park was open before the incident happened like I'm his older brother.

Then we cut back to Y/n who is trying to get to the Rambley's Railroad train ride before he started walking down the hall with a bunch of computer monitors on the ceiling as Rambley appeared on one of the monitors after he managed to scan Y/n's facial recognition data and was surprised to see how old Y/n is right now as he appeared from monitor to monitor after each sentence. 

Rambley: Your facial data seems familiar to me and it also suggests you may be a bit older than the target audience for this ride, but it's one of my favorites! As well as your favorite too! Do you know why RAMBLEY the Raccoon loves RAMBLEY'S Railroad?

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