13.Spice On Plate

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~Dedicated toamberkbryant for promoting my work on Wattpad and also other social sites as a part of the #WattpadBlockParty promotions of which we are both a part of. :)Song of the Chapter - Night Changes by One Direction.


Diana Hayden 

As we near the restaurant I can see past the entryway. The outside is dimly lit with small white lights whereas the little of the inside that I can barely see is glowing electric neon blue. It is still fairly dark inside to know what's past the entrance and it gives you the feel of a mini-club of sorts. The place is beautiful and has a noteworthy modern charm.

Matt talks to the man on the entrance which I barely hear and we get in. My arm still looped in his, securely, may I add.

"So what do you think?" he asks and his voice is a dead giveaway for how nervous he feels about this. It makes my heart do multiple cartwheels and makes me feel giddy.

"I love it," I confess and the relief that washes over his face is most evident when his frown relaxes into a million dollar smile.

The man who was at the entrance shows us our table and we proceed towards one of the tables at the back. He places his hand at the small of my back, guiding me ahead. My skin tingles at that contact and all the moisture from my lips evaporates leaving them dry and slightly rough. He pulls back my chair and heads over to his side only after I am comfortably seated. Who would have thought Matt Williams could behave like a perfect gentleman if he wanted to?

"This is a half Indian half American restaurant. The head chef is an Indian and he makes really good food. I have been here before, you are not a vegetarian right?" he asks. "Nop," I answer.

"My personal favorite here is an Indian dish, they call it Chicken Xacuti and it tastes best with black cumin rice. It's hell spicy, but that's what makes it even more appetizing. You'd like to try?" Spicy. I am the person who puts a whole packet of chili flakes on the pizza and I won't eat spicy food?

"Of course," I give affirmation to his politely stated challenge.

"I need to warn you that when I say spicy it is to the extent that it will make your eyes water by the third bite, you game?" he cautiously re-considers but I am not a person to back down.

"Game on," I smirk and our gazes lock, the game is so on.

He places our orders and we wait making small talk. After some time, his phone rings and he excuses himself to take an important call. I look around to keep myself occupied. The place has a heavenly ambiance especially due to the blue lights. There is a bar at the far corner on the opposite end and a person is playing soft guitar on an elevated platform beside it. An elderly pair catches my eye and if find myself transfixed by the mere sight. They must be in their late 60s or 70s and they look so adorable together.

"Sorry, Zach called from the basketball team. We have practice early morning on Monday," Matt says and food arrives by the time he takes his seat. The waiter pours two glasses each with a pale pink liquid and goes to attend other tables.

"Hayden, three bites and tears in the eyes, I'll count, deal?" he raises an eyebrow and gives me that lopsided crooked smile.

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