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Having the body and mindset of a ten-year-old did not make things easy.  It helped me blend in, sure.  But it made me feel weak.  My powers weren't at full strength, so I wasn't much use to anyone if they needed help.  

But not being at full power meant I was able to stay at Camp Half-Blood, near Nico.  Who I was currently looking for.  He'd let me prank with the Stoll brothers, but he seemed to have disappeared.  Again.  

I tried to be by his side whenever I could.  He was like a brother/father figure, despite him being barely fifteen and I being older than a couple hundred/thousand years or so.  Plus being my actual half-brother.  Though technically he was probably over seventy, being trapped in the Lotus Casino for so long... 

But it was normal for me to feel some sort of attachment like that to him.  He and River's bond woke me up from sleeping for a couple hundred years (hence why I wasn't at full power).  And even though Camp Jupiter and Camp Half-Blood were united, there was still something keeping me from returning to full strength.  

Maybe it had something to do with River.  I wish he would tell me what happened to her.  I wish I knew what happened to her.  No one seemed to know anything about her disappearance a few months back.  But ever since, campers assumed dead have been coming and arriving, missing weeks' worth of memories.  

I walked down to the lake in hopes of finding Nico.  He spent a lot of time there, as if hoping River might suddenly appear.  I caught him talking to the lake a bunch of times too, eating a Happy Meal while sitting on the dock and staring at the water.  

"Nico!"  I called, bounding over to where he sat, his legs hanging off the wooden dock and dangling over the water.  

"Asaka,"  he said, looking at me, then glancing past me.  "Come on, we should get to the Dining Pavilion."  Right as he finished, the conch horn blew.  "Camp Jupiter will be here soon."  

I grabbed his hand and skipped back to the Dining Pavillion, Nico walking and shuffling to keep up with my pace.  When we got there, I spotted Jason and Leo, arguing about something while Piper shook her head and sighed, facepalming.  

Leo saw me and grinned, patting my head and ruining my hair.  Piper smiled and Jason started up a conversation with Nico, which didn't last super long.  Hazel and Frank joined us, and we all finally went to our own tables just as Percy showed up, his pen still in sword mode from practicing.  

Chiron had allowed me to sit with Nico, who said I had separation anxiety and couldn't stand not to be by his side.  Which was technically true, in a way.  Hazel sat with us, catching us up on things that were happening at Camp Jupiter.  

She was always busy ever since Reyna had become a Hunter and given her the job of Praetor, but she was happy about it.  

"Campers!"  Chiron called.  "Let us welcome Camp Jupiter!"  Everyone clapped before Chiron carried on with his announcement.  "You all know which cabins to go to, if you have any questions, your Praetors, Frank Zhang and Hazel Levesque, can help you.  As can I and Mr. D."  

Mr. D grunted and leaned back in his chair, holding one of the goblets up to his mouth.  I snatched a fry from Nico's plate, and he turned his head slowly, frowning at me.  I made an innocent face and stole another.  

Chiron continued with announcements, a Capture the Flag coming up soon next week.  Then he finished with, "And I will be needing to see the Praetors and each Cabin Councilor at the end of the campfire in the Big House.  Thank you."  

I glanced at Nico and Hazel, frowning slightly.  They were both being called the Big House, which meant I would be alone in the cabin.  Unless I snuck along with them... but what was so urgent?  Another war?  Hopefully not... 

Once everyone finished eating, we all headed to the campfire.  It was clear that everyone was tense.  I waved over Allora Tyke, and she sat next to us, picking at her fingers with nervous energy.  We both knew something was wrong, but what it was, we weren't sure.  

Near the end of the campfire, Chiron to the center and started talking, a girl with a bow slung over her shoulder standing next to him.  Then she disappeared, and I caught her and another girl heading toward the Big House.  

Everyone began to stand, and the councilors started heading to the Big House, but Chiron said he needed Nico alone for ten minutes before.  I watched, frowning, as he shrugged and followed the centaur.  

I went back to the cabin alone and waited, lying on my back in one of the coffin beds.  I wanted to stay up and wait for Hazel and Nico, but they were gone too long.  

So, I decided so sneak out of the cabin and up to the Big House to see what was going on.  

Ok that was probably terrible but next chapter we get to pick up where the prologue left off!  

Please comment and vote!  

- Anne :D 

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