Gym time together

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Welcome to my Tavis one shot book guys? Are you excited cause I am, you can literally leave any requests here and I'll see what I can do

January 2024

Taylor watched as Travis drove them to the gym, she was in shorts and a crop top and it felt a little bit cold in the car and she felt a shiver run down her spine.

"Hey girlie, you excited for a workout?" he smirked and Taylor giggled as she rolled her eyes
"I know what you mean but my personal trainer will be there and yours too. You have to behave."

Travis chuckled as his hand came to rest on Taylor's thigh
"You put this outfit on on purpose."

"Even if I did you still have to behave." Taylor smirks snd Travis let out a groan and Taylor chuckled
"I do behave myself very well." Travis says as they meet a redlight and Travis leans in to kiss his girlfriend who grinned against the kiss before gently guiding his attention to the road again.

As Travis turned on the radio and Anto Hero began playing Taylor felt a blush of embarrassment creep up her cheeks. She knew Travis would begin singing along and she would eventually too, she doesn't mind performing her own songs, that was never an issue for her but hearing them is something she hasn't quite got comfortable with yet, even after all these years and Travis knew this all too well.

"I stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror" Travis sang loudly and Taylor blushed  

"You're completely off beat, it's like you never heard the song." Taylor pouted as she gently hummed along under her breath

"I happen to be more focussed on you're vigilante shit performance." Travis smirked and Taylor rolled her eyes at the way he would always reference her sex like. How could he reference their sex life with every breath he took? Not that she minded much.

As their workout started Taylor was working on her abs doing planks with her personal coach while she was watching Travis lift weights.

The only thing that could make planking more comfortable was a view like this, her abs were burning and she felt tiny beads of sweat trickle down her forehead

She knew she had twenty more seconds to know and with each passing second she felt closer to the verge of passing out.

As her trainer finally announced that it was over Taylor plopped down onto her stomach and the only reason she was still keeping her head up was so she could watch Travis. Taylor watched as he effortlessly lifted some weights that she knew she could never lift.

He was strong, and Taylor couldn't help but admire his strength, he was always so tough and strong. Taylor never thought that she was into the whole athlete guy thing, being so strong and him being able to lift her easily. It was something she didn't mind in the slightest.
He didn't care how clingy she was.

"Taylor wanna do another set?" her coach asked and Taylor had to hold herself back from rolling her eyes as she got back into the plank position.

It was worse than before, the second set was always worse than the first. She hated nothing more than core exercises.


As the workout was over Taylor felt like she couldn't walk anymore, she sat on the ground, her legs and arms spread out and she felt all sweaty

"Hey sweetie, you okay?" Travis asked and Taylor nodded
"Just exhausted."

Without hesitation Travis picked Taylor up bridal style and Taylor hid her face in his neck. She never imagined being so small in a relationship that her boyfriend could easily carry her if he wanted to.

As they got into the car she felt truly comfortable, she wasn't driving with security in the car today, they were riding behind them but still. She wasn't in the car with security, she could feel just like a normal person who was hopelessly in love, she needed that.

Both were exhausted yet Travis didn't show much of it, he was exhausted beyond measures but for Taylor he would pretend he was at his best each and every time if it meant comforting Taylor.
He held her hand in his as he was driving, he still thought she looked incredibly attractive, even exhausted and sweaty she Walther lost beautiful woman he ever laid his eyes on, she's simply perfect:

Arriving home Taylor smirked
"I'm going to take a shower, I'd ask you to join but if you're too exhausted you can also go to bed."

"I'll never be too tired for that." he said in a low and husky voice and he was quick to pick Taylor up again


Taylor was lying in bed on top of Travis he was playing with her hair and she was absent minded scrolling on her phone. She was beyond exhausted now and she was about to fall asleep any second. She was perfectly content just laying here.

She saw a notification form he room pop up on her phone and she smiled widely. She hasn't called her mom today and she just remembered.

Hi honey, are you free right now? Do you want to call me?

Taylor quickly pressed on her moms contact button and Taylor dialed heard her mom pick up. Travis perched up a little bit as well

"Hi mom." Taylor exclaimed happily

"Hi, honey I just wanted to check in and asks how you're doing, you're with Travis aren't you?" Andrea asked knowing very well that Taylor could barely spend time without Travis

"Yes I am, and we're doing really well, just relaxing. We'll maybe watch some Greys Anatomy later." Taylor said happily and Travis placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, brushing her bangs out of her face.

"Sounds lovely, I'm in New York right now, do you want to come over for dinner tomorrow? You are in New York or?"  Andrea asked and she looked at Travis questioning to which Travis gave her a small nod

"We'd love to, we are in New York for a while now I think, you can also come here if you want then you wouldn't have to cook." Taylor said and Travis nodded along signaling her that he was comfortable with her desicion

"Are you sure? If it's too much trouble you can also come to my place."

"No mom, you come here I'll cook you something and Travis can pretend he can

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