Burning red: Period

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Summary: Taylor is on her period and Travis is trying to be a supportive boyfriend


December 2023

Taylor was not feeling well, dibbles was curled up in her lap as Taylor lounged on the couch a hot water bottle pressed against her lower stomach as Friends was playing in the background.

Due to the break of the tour till February Taylor decided to give her body a break and stop taking her strong birth control. She actually took it cause it lessened any complications with her period, sure she still got her period but not nearly as bad as almost everyone else.

This wasn't something she is used to. She toured so much for almost a year now she forgot how bad it could get. She quickly wrapped a blanket around herself trying to keep herself warm.

It was so uncomfortable and there were so many better things she could do right now than Foren in self pity because her body decided to punish her for taking that birth control.

Travis walked into the livingroom looking a bit confused and Taylor had her knees pulled up to her chest and it was evident she wasn't feeling her best.

"You alright sweetie?" he asked as he sat down beside her and Taylor nodded

"I'm fine it's nothing." Taylor said giving her boyfriend a weak smile and he didn't seem convinced as she leaned in to kiss him.

As she pulled away she remained in his arms and he gently rubbed circles on her back
"You can tell me. Are you sick? What do you need?" and Taylor grumbled a little

"It's silly." she whispered and he kissed the top of her head
"I'm sure it's not just tell me." he pleaded and Taylor caved in

"I'm on my period and it's a lot worse than usual." she whined and Travis instantly pulled her closer kissing her

"Sweetie that's not nothing, do you want me to get you anything?" He asked Taylor who shook her head and Travis kissed her again.
"It's nice that your here now."
Taylor responded and leaned against Travis enjoying the feeling of his strong arms around her.

Travis couldn't help but admire Taylor, she wasn't doing anything in particular but yet she still looked so gorgeous. Her electric blue eyes were focussed on the tv and her fingers were fidgeting with the hem of Travis shirt, her long blonde curly hair was tied up in a messy bun and she was wearing a pair of leggings and a hoodie. To Travis she was the most beautiful woman in the entire world and he knew he wouldn't ever love anyone we much as her.

"I think I'll go to bed." Taylor said after a while and she got up, Travis didn't bother to check the time or anything and he hasn't realized how late it's gotten.

"I'll come with you." Travis immediately said, he didn't want to leave Taylor alone while she was possibly facing discomfort and he pulled Taylor into a quick hug

"Is there really nothing I can do?" Travis asked brushing a loose curly strand away from Taylor's face and she shrugged

"You could carry me." she added with a smirk and she had not expected Travis to act so quickly but he did and lifted her off her feet bridal style.

Taylor loosly wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him softly. Both their love language was physical touch and each and everyday it became more apparent.

As they got into the bedroom Travis gently laid Taylor down on her own side of the bed before climbing next to her and pulling her closer so her head was resting on his chest.

Travis ran his hands through Taylor's hair and removed the hair tie enjoying the feeling of Taylor's curls. Travis had always adored Taylor's natural curly hair and he was always happy whenever she wore it out.

"Anything else you need?" and Taylor shook her head, tracing patterns on Travis chest while placing little kisses all across Travis neck.

The next morning Travis woke up to find the bed empty. He slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes trying to figure out where Taylor went and soon he heard silent cussing coming from the bathroom

"Everything alright Tay?" he asked loud enough so he could hear him hoping to get a response
"No it's fucking not." he heard her snap and he walked over to the bathroom connected to the bedroom, the door was open and Taylor seemed to be searching for something in the cabinets.

"What's going on?" he asked calmly and Taylor shot him a death glare
"I'm out of tampons, I just used the last fucking one and I need more."

"Do you want me to go and buy you some?"
Travis asked and before he could even react Taylor rushed into his arms and kissed his cheek
"Thank you, thank you, thank you , you're the best boyfriend ever."

When Travis finally came back he was holding Taylor's favourite ice cream. Ben and Jerry's cookie dough. Taylor flashed him a quick smile before taking the tappings upstairs to the bathroom.

As she emerged from the bathroom and settled on the bed beside Travis who had brought two spoons from the kitchen so they could eat the ice cream. Taylor hungrily took a spoon and tried to get a piece of the frozen ice cream out.

"You have to wait for it to melt a little bit."
Travis said and Taylor crossed her arms infront of her chest

"I'll eat it when I want to eat it." she replied with a hint of mock in her voice which Travis assumed was because he dared to question how she ate her ice cream.

"Taylor uhm, those Tampons right? They go inside of you, or?" Travis asked and Taylor looked up a bit surprised at the question

"Yeah it's line a sponge, they absorb the blood."
Taylor tried explaining while holding back a laugh.

"Does it feel good?" Travis asked bluntly and Taylor looked at him and burst out laughing
"Why would it feel good?"

"Because you know, it goes inside of you and all." Travis concluded blushing slightly and Taylor kissed him gently before bursting out laughing again

"It doesn't hurt but it doesn't really feel good either. It's uncomfortable but only at first and you get used to it."
Taylor explained between laughter and Travis couldn't hold back a laugh either and Taylor suddenly asked
"Why do you want to know?" and Travis shrugged
"I mean if we ever have a daughter I feel like I should know."

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