If they met before

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What if Taylor and Travis met after Taylor broke up with Jake

Taylor was crying in the bathroom of her 21st birthday party, she was heartbroken to say the least, she also felt humiliated and she felt naive for believing he wanted what's best for her.

Didn't she give him everything? She gave him it all, she tried to make this work but for him it was never enough.

Tears were streaming down her face, 21 was supposed to be her year and the start of it seemed to already be ruined. Her make up was smeared on her face as she felt the cold tiles of the bathroom against her shoulders.

Her whole body was shaking and a couple of minutes ago an actress kept asking her what happened but after she didn't get much out of Taylor she simply left.

Taylor's whole body was shaking with sobs and she knew she was feeling a lot of big emotions and she didn't know how to deal with them. Is this what being an adult was gonna be like?

Shouldn't it be better? She always thought being 21 would be fun, but after the first drink she tried to down and everyone found it funny how she flinched she even doubted she was ready to be an adult.

Her friends were no where to be found, and no one seemed to even care that the one person that wasn't attending the party was the birthday girl.  It was like high school all over again.

Suddenly, without warning, the door opened and a man stood there. He was quite tall and Taylor remembered that a friend of hers had brought him along and he was not the nicest guy in attendance
"This is the women's bathroom you perv." She snapped and he realised an eyebrow

"Dude I just came to check if you were here cause you've been gone for an hour and it's your birthday." He said and Taylor felt a blush creep up her cheek

"Sorry." She mumbled, followed by a hiccup and he smiled at her kindly

"I'm Travis." He said and Taylor smiled up at him and she realized how ugly she must look, her make up all smeared and her face red and puffy, but he didn't look at her like she was ugly.

"Taylor." She muttered under her breath and he extended his hand offering to help her up. Reluctantly she grabbed it and he smiled at her and it was then that Taylor realized how tall he actually was.

She wasn't small by any means but he was extremely tall, he smiled at her politely and Taylor internally rolled her eyes. Sure meeting a guy who wasn't a dick was a nice change but that stupid frat boy smile did not appeal to her.

"You know whatever happened probably wasn't that bad." He said, trying to console the blonde singer who was aggressively trying to wipe away the smudged mascara from under her eye.

"Really, getting dumped by your boyfriend on your birthday is not that bad? Look I don't know who you are but I would appreciate it if I didn't have to know." Taylor snapped again a nd this was totally out of character for her, maybe it was the fault of the butterfly's that were fluttering in her stomach that seemed to make her more nervous the longer she kept looking at him.

"Too bad, Travis Kelce, college football player and I assume that the guy you dated was an asshole." He said in the most sarcastic voice her could and a hint of smile graced Taylor's face, even though she tried to hide it

"You're smiling." He said brushing a curly blonde strand of hair away from Taylor's face making her roll her eyes

"Thank you, is that what you want to hear?" She asked, but her voice did not carry a mean undertone but rather a hopeful one. Taylor had no idea what was happening here.

"Mhm kinda, but now do we have to stand here all night or will we ever walk out of here again?" He smirked at her and Taylor rolled her eyes once again but the smile that had graced her face mere seconds ago did make a return

"No ones forcing you to stay here." She smiled up at him
"No ones forcing me to leave." He argumented back making Taylor's knees a little weak

"Well if you want to, there's the door." Taylor muttered under her breath as she reapplied her mascara, mentally writing 'buy new mascara' on her to do list.

"Yeah but I decided I'd rather stay with you, you seem nice enough." He said, sitting on the bathroom counter making Taylor raise an eyebrow

"Figured since I'm gonna have to stay here for a while, might as well get comfortable." He smirked at her and she giggled slightly. Did she just giggle? She really had to hind herself together, for heavens sake she wasn't fifteen anymore.

"You're really confident that everyone likes you, you know that?" Taylor asked, turning around on her heel eyeing him suspiciously

"You do so why not?" He smirked and he saw the shocked expression on her face

"What made you think that Kelce?"she asked, her face tuning a different shade of red

"You didn't say you didn't." He smirked and taylir seemed to gasp for air, dramatically placing her hands on her hips
"I did clearly say that."

"No you didn't, you asked me why I thought you liked me you never said you didn't like me. Also if you found be to be so unbearable you could've left, but you didn't." He concluded, the smudge grub never once leaving his face making Taylor want to roll her eyes at him in the most exaggerated manner

"Shut up Kelce." she grumbled, trying to hold back her laugh and Travis  had to hold back a laugh as well

"I have a first name you know?" he smirked at her and she stupid infront of him, her hands still on her hips and due to the fact that he was sitting she was a bit taller than him

"Travis," she said making sure to loudly say his name" thank you for staying with me, if you don't mind we can join the party, any don't take this as an indication that I like you but I do hope that you will join me."
She said quickly and that was all it took for him to hop off the kitchen counter and march towards the door holding it open for her, but not before scribbling his number on a piece of paper

"I hope you do take this as an indication that I like you." he said handing her the paper making Taylor blush

Taylor didn't hear from him again for another 13 years, she lost the note he gave her and she didn't manage to contact him, after some time she decided to simply give up, she didn't follow his career and she assumed neither did he follow hers. However she always remained thankful that he managed to cheer her up after the break up. Meeting him again after 13 years was almost like fate, sometimes two people are simply meant to be together

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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