I'm having his baby: Fr I am

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Summary: Taylor finds out something she did not expect at all

Madrid 2024

It was the night before Taylor's first Madrid show, for a couple of days now she had been feeling under the weather. However the issue was she didn't feel that all the time, at one point she would throw up for half an hour straight and the next she would be partying having the time of her life.

Here she was throwing up in the hotel bathroom, her knees on the marble floor as she was clinging to the toilet. She felt disgusting.

After she slumped down against the bathroom wall Taylor pulled put her phone debating who to call. Travis wasn't here and that was the worst. She needed her boyfriend here to help her through whatever this was.

Taylor quickly pressed on Blake's contact button and sniffled
"Blake can you come here?"

As Blake appeared five minutes later she expected Taylor to be sitting on a bed and she was mildly surprised when she couldn't find Taylor. But she heard soft sobs coming from the bathroom.

Blake opened the door and found Taylor Swift sitting on the floor, knees pulled up to her chest and tears streaming down her eyes. She looked up at Blake and her eyes were red and puffy from all the crying she did and it reminded Blake and awful lot of situations they had been in before

"Taylor what's going on?" Blake asked rushing over to Taylor and pulling her close, Taylor draped her long legs over Blake's lap as she rested her head on Blake's shoulder and whispered
"I think I'm pregnant."

"What? How?" Blake gasped and Taylor glared at her, she did not find this funny at all. She was on the verge of breaking down and all she needed was support

"Coachella." Taylor muttered under her breath and Blake couldn't hide a laugh.

"I'll text Ryan to get us some tests and then you'll know for sure." Blake said soothingly rubbing Taylor's back

"Blake what about the tour? The fans? My career? Travis?" Taylor sobbed and Blake brushed an already straightened strand of blonde hair out of Taylor's face

"You'll figure it out, you always do."

As Ryan rushed into the room with the tests the panic was evident on his face as he handed them to Blake
"We can't have a fifth child, Blake no." he almost cried out and Blake chuckled and pointed to the sobbing Taylor on her lap. Ryan's face in that moment was hilarious and he quickly walked out, Taylor was the only one that looking back still couldn't laugh about this moment.

"Can you also take a test?" Taylor asked nuzzled against Blake and Blake nodded. To her it was evident that Taylor needed some support and of she had to take a pregnancy test to show that support she would.

With both now waiting for the results the tension in the room was at an all time high
Blake knew she wasn't pregnant yet the anxiety was still there.

Blake took one test and Taylor took three and Taylor heard the timer go off
"1,2,3" she counted before turning the tests around

"Let's go bitch" Blake sighed and Taylor buried her face in Blake's shoulder, she wasn't crying. She was desperate. This child, it didn't fit into her life. You can't force a child to be haunted by paparazzi for the eternity of their life. Taylor had always wanted kids but now? Was it really responsible to bring a child into her world?

Blake's test was as anticipated negative and Taylor heard a sigh of relief but for Taylor, her world was crumbling down. What was she supposed to do. What was she supposed to tell Travis?

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