shiu story pt1

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you don't really know what you two are.

you two have been roommates for about a year now and you can feel the tension between you but neither of you has said anything.

he thinks he's being the mature one acting like 'this' isn't going on.

you two have made out so many times but yet he won't let it go any further.

is it because of the age gap?

he's only 11-12 years older than you but he thinks it's inappropriate.

you're a grown adult, yet just because he's older he treats you like a kid. you're 20 years old for fucks sake.

you come back at 1am from work absolutely exhausted and irritable. strange enough the doors locked. he usually leaves it open for you when you have work. you walk into the house but it's empty.

"his cars in the driveway," you thought.

you look through the backdoor thinking he's in the pool but yet, nothing. you just settle on he's asleep.

you walk past his bedroom and hear...giggling?

know you shouldn't listen in but you can't help it. you hear him and another woman and some shuffling. he's a man and men have needs but...fuck why does he need anyone else?

you're right there.

you hear the woman in the room let out a moan and you swear you feel something snap just a little. he wants to treat you like a kid, fine, let's show him kid.

you stomp your way to your bed room, slamming doors, being extra loud on purpose. you throw down all his stuff in the bathroom dropping his toothbrush in the toilet.

after a few minutes of borderline trashing upstairs you stomp your way down to the kitchen.

as you're rummaging through the fridge, looking for more things to throw, you feel a hand pull you back and slam the fridge shut.

you try not to let him see the small smile on your face before you look up at him with an innocent expression.

"oh hey, didn't know you were home."

he doesn't say a word, just glares at you. the woman in his room, which you don't really pay any mind to, hurriedly makes her way out saying something or another to him.

he doesn't answer though. too busy glaring at you to pay attention.

"what's wrong with you?" "hm? nothing why do you ask," as you speak you walk back upstairs to your room as he trails behind you.

"cause you're acting like a brat."

you internally roll your eyes.

you walk into your bedroom plopping down on the bed as he leans against the door frame.

"i live here too you know," you start, "can you not have sex while im in the house?"

the look on his face changes like hes...amused.

"im a grown man y/n. i can do what i want in my house. you're the one renting a room here."

the fact that he's right just pisses you  off so much more.

"fine then i'll just leave, that make you feel better?"

you push past him storming out your room until he's pulling you into him and your world gets turn upside down when he tosses you over his shoulder as he starts walking to his bedroom.

"shiu put me down!!"

you try and try but he doesn't let you go. until he's in his room and tosses you down on the bed.

"why are you acting like this," his voice so calm and smooth and deep, "you were so good this morning. why're you acting like a brat?"

you scoff turning your head away from him, fearing if you look at him you'll fold.

"she won't do it for you," you grumble.

"louder. one more time," he said sternly.

your jaw tenses and you speak again.

"fucking her won't make you forget about me."

he's silent.

tears threaten to well up in your eyes. you look at him and speak.

"im right here! what do you need her for!" "y/n thats enough."

he sounds almost out of breath.

"don't talk to me like im a fucking kid!" you didn't mean to yell but it just came out.

"we both want know that," you speak softly.

you get off the bed and make your way over to him, gently drawing your finger down his chest as he glares down at you almost trying to warn you.

"just give it to me already," you whisper.

when he doesn't say anything you feel your heart break a little. you push off of him trying to walk past him but he doesn't let you.

he pushes you back onto the bed and before you can protest he smashes his lips against yours taking your breath away.

an: can you tell im reading birthday girl and in love with the concept?🤭

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