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Jungkook sat at his large mahogany desk, his focus unwavering as he typed away on his laptop. His office was the epitome of corporate sophistication, with sleek furniture and a view of the city skyline that spoke of power and influence. His expression was as always, serious and stern, a man dedicated to his work.

A knock on the door broke his concentration. He looked up, his gaze sharp as Minho entered, bowing respectfully. "Sir, I'm sorry to disturb you, but Mr. Kim Namjoon is here to see you again."

Jungkook's expression didn't change. He simply nodded and said, "Send him in."

Minho nodded and exited the room. A moment later, the door opened, and Kim Namjoon walked in, an unmistakable air of arrogance and a sly smile playing on his lips. He was impeccably dressed, his demeanor exuding confidence.

"How are you, Jungkook?" Namjoon greeted, his voice dripping with faux cordiality.

Jungkook leaned back in his chair, his eyes never leaving Namjoon. "Why are you here?" he asked, his tone as cold and direct as ever.

Namjoon's smile widened. "Oh, still as rude as ever, I see. Well, I came here to—"

Jungkook cut him off, his voice icy. "If you came here to ask me to sell my branch to you, you can leave. I hate repeating myself."

Namjoon's expression hardened for a brief moment before he composed himself, his smile returning but now tinged with frustration. "Jungkook, you’re being unreasonable. You know as well as I do that merging our companies would be beneficial for both of us."

Jungkook’s eyes narrowed. "Beneficial for you, perhaps. My company is thriving on its own. I don’t need or want your interference."

Namjoon took a step closer, his tone turning more persuasive. "Think about it, Jungkook. The market is changing. By combining our resources, we could dominate the industry. You'd be a fool to let this opportunity slip away."

Jungkook’s expression remained unmoved. "I don't need your advice on how to run my business, Namjoon. And I certainly don't need a partnership with someone I don’t trust."

Namjoon’s smile vanished completely, replaced by a steely glare. "You're making a mistake, Jungkook. This is bigger than your personal grudges. This is about survival in a cutthroat industry."

Jungkook stood up, his demeanor imposing. "My company is doing just fine without your so-called help. Now, if you have nothing else to discuss, I suggest you leave."

Namjoon’s eyes flashed with anger, but he forced a tight smile, hiding his frustration behind a veneer of politeness.


Jungkook returned to the mansion after a long, grueling day at work. His mind was still occupied with the heated confrontation he had with Namjoon. As he stepped inside, he saw his sister, Hana, sitting on the couch with Sana. He tried to ignore them, intending to head straight to his room and unwind.

Sana, however, lit up upon seeing him. "Jungkook!" she called out, her voice laced with enthusiasm. Jungkook halted but didn’t soften his serious expression. Sana turned to Hana with a pleading look.

"Sister-in-law, can you please leave us for a while?" Sana asked sweetly.

Hana glanced at Jungkook, who was staring straight ahead, his face unreadable. She nodded softly and rose from her seat, leaving the room to give them privacy.

Sana moved closer to Jungkook, her demeanor turning clingy. "It’s been a long day. Why are you ignoring me?" she pouted, wrapping her arms around his.

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