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The next night, the mansion was quiet, filled with an air of somber tension. Jungkook sat propped up against the headboard of his luxurious bed. The deep scratches from the tiger attack were visible on his cheeks, forehead, neck, and chest. His shirtless torso was covered by a shawl, the fabric barely concealing the bandages underneath. Despite his weakened state, there was a determined glint in his eyes.

Jungkook's mom sat beside him, her hand gently resting on his. Her face was etched with worry and relief. Hana stood nearby, cradling little Jiya in her arms. Sana and her mom sat quietly, their expressions reflecting a mixture of concern and tension. Jimin stood by the door, his posture stiff, as if ready to spring into action at any moment.

"How are you feeling, my son?" Jungkook’s mom asked softly, her voice filled with love and concern.

Jungkook managed a faint smile. "I'll be fine, Mom. Just a bit tired." he said softly, his voice a little hoarse but reassuring.

Jungkook's mother looked at him with a mixture of relief and concern. "Why did you go hunting? I've told you many times that it's dangerous and not good to kill animals," she said in a soft but firm voice, her eyes searching his face for answers.

Jungkook turned his gaze towards her, about to explain, but before he could speak, Sana interrupted, her voice cutting through the room's fragile calm. "Aunty, it's Jungkook's hobby, and I don't think it's his fault... It's Y/n's. She always tries to put everyone in trouble because of her recklessness," Sana said, her tone sharp with anger and frustration.

Jimin's eyes flickered with irritation, but he remained calm. "Sana, that's enough," he said quietly, his voice carrying a weight of authority despite his weakened state. "This isn't the time to place blame...Everyone knows that sister in law was the one who called minho on the time" he said, casting a meaningful glance at Sana.

Sana's face tightened in anger, but she held her tongue, her frustration evident in her clenched fists.

Jungkook's mother, sensing the brewing conflict, looked at her son with a mixture of concern and tenderness. "You need to rest, Jungkook. I'll send up some food," she said softly, her voice carrying a motherly authority.

Jungkook nodded slowly, his expression calm but his mind clearly occupied with thoughts. As everyone began to leave the room, he closed his eyes, trying to find some semblance of peace amidst the chaos.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Y/n was busy preparing dinner with the help of the maids. Her movements were methodical and precise, but there was a noticeable lack of the usual cheer she exuded when interacting with her family. Her mistake and the resulting guilt were gnawing at her, making every moment feel heavier.

Soo Min, her friend and confidante, stood nearby, watching Y/n with concern. She noticed the subtle changes in Y/n's demeanor, the way her shoulders slumped slightly and the distant look in her eyes. Sensing an opportunity to provide comfort, Soo Min approached her gently.

"Y/n, are you okay?" Soo Min asked softly, her voice filled with genuine concern.

Y/n glanced up, forcing a small smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "I'm fine, Soo Min. Don't worry," she replied, her voice lacking its usual warmth.

Soo Min wasn't convinced. She placed a comforting hand on Y/n's arm, her eyes searching her friend's face for answers. "I know you're feeling guilty about what happened with Mr jeon. But you can't carry this burden alone. You were trying to do something you believed in," she said gently.

Y/n sighed, her shoulders sagging as the weight of her guilt pressed down on her. "I just wanted to stop him from killing innocent animals. I never imagined it would lead to this," she admitted, her voice trembling.

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