**----3. PART:Waking up----**

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*After God knows how long..Alex opens his eyes to an unknown place...When he notices he isnt in his home anymore,he directly gets up from the ground..Then he holds his head..*

"Damn..my head is like its going to blow up...."

*He looks around a bit,trying to recall what happened and where is he now....He can tell(or atleast  guess)  what happened...a little bit...but he cant think or recall anything about where is he..*

"Where the heck am I...?" 

*He looks around a bit more and then yells randomly to see if anyone is there..*


*But the only thing he gets is to hear his own voice echoing around..atleast thats what he thought for 10 seconds after suddenly hearing a robotic voice behind hım..As soon as Alex sees the robot he panics for a bit and stepbacks..*

"WHOA!-  what the heck are you!? You werent there 5 seconds ago!?"

*The doesnt answers your question  but the robot starts talking with a firm, mature and calm voice..But he can clearly tell its a robot..*

"Welcome,Alex. Im the guider of you for now.I Will lead you to where your group Will be at.Come on."

*After their clearly programmed speach,the robot starts moving to a direction suddenly..But it wasnt that fast so Alex catches up as Fast as he can and keeps asking questions..*

"Where are we and where are we going?!  ..What is this place?! ..What group youre talking about!?!?"

*The robot keeps walking while giving answer to only the question about the groups..*

"Everyone in here have to belong to a group to stay safe.So the programming otomaticly places you to a group you can belong to.There are so many groups in this place like;Winged people,Runners,Weapon users,Peace makers,Chaos starters...Those groups also have other little groups inside of each one if them.For example The group of Winged People They group themselves according to the shape and color of their wings.Like;Angels,Devils,Normals,Fallen ones.."

*Alex keep walking with the robot as it still keeps walking and talking*

"And..which group İm in..?"

*The robot keeps walking without saying anything...Alex sighs,thinks that he wont get any answer..He was kinda right tho..but not fully..*

Łīꞡħⱦ ꝋӻ ⱦħē ₲ⱥᵯē:Endless LabyrinthWhere stories live. Discover now