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(C) Shidouluvr (aka LivaBiva)





Height: around 165, 164-ish

AGE: 17


LIKES: long showers, Music, Warm beds in the winter, Fried chicken and watermelon, meat, sleeping, the sea, sharks, the colour blue, Jellyfish, fish, milk, freshly washed laundry (the scent is nice), drawing, she does it alot

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LIKES: long showers, Music, Warm beds in the winter, Fried chicken and watermelon, meat, sleeping, the sea, sharks, the colour blue, Jellyfish, fish, milk, freshly washed laundry (the scent is nice), drawing, she does it alot.

weird fear: people holding eye contact for too long, shes worried they'll notice possible blemishes or impurities on her face if their eyes wander from hers.. yikes... she usually turns her head and acts like she's seen something to avoid long eye contact.

DISLIKES: tomatoes, onions, eggs, olives (fuck olives), bugs, school, math, being active and being forced to go outside, (kind of a loser) having her secrets known (shes got BAD ones)

people who point out stuff about other people, like "you have a pimple" or "you wore that yesterday" they're the worst in her opinion, especially with the fact she in her past life grew up a little less fortunate money wise

APPEARANCE: Curly hair with the front strands dyed ginger but by now its faded into a lighter brown more than anything, straightens her hair, when its straightened it reaches to around her upper stomach, Brown skin, Mixed, Danish / Nigerian

dimples on both cheeks when she smiles, she doesnt like them very much

Big brown eyes that kind of look black, though you can see they're brown, Long eyelashes (noted by friends who've been surprised over the fact most girls have shorter eyelashes and yet hers are surprisingly long), Kinda dry skin (she doesnt do skin care) Mostly grown over cut in eyebrow, short

Flat as a cutting board, though theres... something (theres nothing super noticeable there..)

Always listening to Music, Like its a genuine problem

moles scattered all over except on her face or places where she wants them, mostly on her hands and arms, theres a single one on the bon of her cleavage

ᴍʙᴛɪ: ᴇɴғᴘ - ᴇɴᴛᴘ - ɪsғᴘ (results she got over time with only a few days apart, ENFP was her most recent answer)

PERSONALITY: it all depends on the people around and what context, eccentric and outgoing with close friends.

dresses like a complete tomboy due to the fact she doesnt like how she looks, especially her hair sometimes, shes worried she'll get laughed at for being uglay, plus she prefers shorts and hoodies over anything else, will run around in her underwear and a t-shirt at home or at a friends house (if theyre close enough)

Really touchy, clingy, overthinks over the smallest things to the point it annoys herself, though is almost always happy, its rare for her to be sad for longer than an hour, a jolly person at heart.

likes making people laugh, it makes her feel good,

the type of person to follow her friends around like a puppy at parties or either stand in a corner.

A loser, kind of cowardly sometimes, hates conflict if shes involved or could risk getting involved, she thinks alot about consequence, though after she does something she probably shouldnt have... or she doesn't do it all.

she sleeps an average of 16 or more hours on most weekends, a complete night owl in every way of the word to a T.

her type: "I want a kind guy, someone who makes me feel cared for and is just as clingy as me, someone who i can cuddle with whenever, but im not picky as long as he loves me, because im a loser i can't lie, tall guys are my type but then again, almost everyone is, just not Igarashi, he can fuck off, that guy's got no redeeming qualities, like at all! I honestly need me a Ness, ya know? i promise ill treat him right though, i wish Ness was real.."


"Ness please love me i swear i'll kill myself if you say no babygirl, im way better than Kaiser!"

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