two | the aftermath

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RINGING filled their ears as they blinked, the familiar glare of hospital lights temporarily blinding them, a familiar yet sort of still foreign, getting used to being in the hospital was something most people couldn't.

They all got up, looking for something. Someone?

JAE clutched their throat, a dry and painful sensation made it difficult to gasp for air. Amid her struggle, a doctor quickly noticed their distress and rushed to her side. "You've been in a car accident, take it easy."

MOX's throbbing pain in her head was unmistakable, signalling the onset of a headache. She sat up abruptly, gripping the edges of the hospital bed tightly. As she awakened, her doctor immediately noticed her movement. "You've been in a car accident, take it easy."

HINA blinked slowly, her eyes gradually adjusting to the harsh glow of the fluorescent lights overhead. As her eyes fluttered open, she noticed a nurse standing nearby, who waved at her with a kind smile. "You've been in a car accident, take it easy."

JUANA  let out a low groan as she tightly grasped her leg — a sudden, shooting pain followed by a sharp, jolting sensation. A nurse completed the task of fixing her IV before turning to her and shushing her gently. "You've been in a car accident, take it easy."

LIVA's eyes flew open and she gasped, her hands instinctively reaching out to grab the sides of her bed as she frantically scanned her surroundings. A nurse gently placed a reassuring hand on her chest, applying slight pressure to calm her down and make her lay back down. "You've been in a car accident, take it easy."

AZZY suddenly awoke with her ears ringing, feeling groggy as she struggled to sit up. Her chest heaved with effort as she tried to catch her breath. A doctor noticed her and made his way over, quickly jotting down notes in his notebook. "You've been in a car accident, take it easy."


AFTER the usually tediously long process of being checked out, the waiting in a stale hospital bed that could never be nearly as comfortable to lay on as a proper mattress, the smell of death permeating the air, occasionally wafting in front of your nostrils just to disappear, and faint crying – all usual experiences in hospitals. After a few checkups and hours of waiting later, they were all discharged with a tap on the back and a "get home safe."

They blinked slightly, trying to examine their situation, but one thing stuck out like a sore thumb – where was home?

The group was in a state of confusion, and each individual seemed to be sharing the same thoughts, despite their differences. It was as if their great minds were all in sync.

"Where the hell am I?"
Probably none of them could give a proper answer to that question if anyone asked, except "hospital." What else were they supposed to say?

Who would ask, anyway? It was safe to assume something was up, judging from the sceptical glances they had all received when they were checking out their IDs, also the uneasy fact that no one had arrived to collect them, and there were no frantic family members eagerly waiting for them as soon as they set foot outside.

So, scattered across different hospitals, yet nearly in the exact spot nonetheless. Outside the various buildings, they were staring off into thin air. It all felt so blurry, so unreal.

How would they even get home? None of this was familiar to the poor girls. Would they have to roam the streets like homeless persons?

Well technically they were homeless, Did they even have a home? The question lingered in their thoughts like a mischievous child, targeting the most vulnerable individual on the school playground. It echoed in their mind, seeping into every fibre of their being.

JAE's eyes frantically scanned the myriad of faces in the bustling crowd, desperately yearning for even a flicker of recognition or empathy to appear in their expressions. Disappointed, they realized that no one hurried over or even spared them a passing glance, deepening their sense of isolation. As she stood there, feeling a surge of despair washing over her, she observed the seemingly indifferent individuals strolling past, grappling with a profound sense of powerlessness as no one paused to extend a helping hand.

MOX's head darted back and forth, her sharp eyes scanning the bustling crowd with a sense of urgency, searching for a glimpse of something or someone familiar. Despite the sea of faces, each one seemed to blur into the next, offering no hint of recognition or connection. Her gaze was unwavering as if desperately seeking a lifeline amidst the overwhelming confusion that threatened to engulf her senses. Each passing moment only seemed to deepen her sense of disorientation, amplifying the unease that coiled in the pit of her stomach.

HINA looked around, her eyes scanning the vibrant surroundings filled with diverse flora and fauna. Everything seemed to be in constant motion as if following its rhythm without any interruptions. No one seemed to be waiting for her, and no one even paused in the first place, creating an atmosphere of indifference. It felt like there was little to expect in terms of acknowledgement or recognition. She noticed that nobody's gaze lingered on her, and there was no hint of recognition on anyone's face. The only attention she received were a few fleeting curious glances from passersby, seemingly wondering why a girl was standing alone in the middle of the street.

AZZY blinked, feeling the weight of the absurdity of her situation settling like a bitter burn in the pit of her stomach. As she stood amidst the bustling crowd, her eyes darted nervously, her expression reflecting the inner turmoil she was experiencing. She seemed oblivious to the young girl who was trying to get her attention, as her mind was consumed by the overwhelming emotions swirling within her. Her mind echoed with uncertainty and a plethora of unanswered questions, and hope slowly drained out of her as nobody walked to her, nobody looked at her with a glimpse of recognition.

JUANA gulped, a sense of dread overtaking her being as she tried to find a familiar face in the crowd. Her eyes darted to strangers, before looking away. No matter how hard the girl's eyes searched the endless crowd for someone she could recognise, she would never find one. Because they simply weren't there.

LIVA'S brown orbs close, opening with each dumbfounded blink that makes her lashes flutter against her cheeks and the sunlight blare at her retinas every time they reopened, not a single thought afloat in that dense head of hers that seemed to be full of everything and at the same time nothing at all, as fleeting as summer wind, when you turn to find it the breeze is long gone and the cool wisps of air no more, She just stares into thin air as it would somehow become interesting and genuinely capture her attention, but nor do faces or people who walk by her catch her interest, for she knows not one of them, doesn't recognize a single man or woman that drifts along their day.

The one thing that all these girls had in common was that to the right of them, on a simple grey brick wall was a poster — a job offer.

"JFU: We are looking for Managers!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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