one | that fateful day

137 12 44

THE deep, vibrating bass notes of the music filled the compact car, merging with the slightly off-key singing of the group as they joyfully travelled along the wide-open highway.

They were meant to be going on a road trip to celebrate everyone finally becoming 17. Azzy cruised down the road, a half-smoked blunt dangling from her lips, as she softly hummed along to the song playing on the radio.

You are the dancing queen

Young and sweet, only seventeen.

"Guys, did you read the newest Bluelock chapter?" Jae strains to make herself heard over the blaring music. Mox, seated in the passenger seat, extends their arm to silence the radio.

A chorus of yeses and yeahs follows Jae's question. She emits a soft hum in acknowledgement, lightly tapping their chin in thought.

"What did you guys think about it?" Azzy glanced casually at the group of girls in the car before effortlessly letting her arm dangle out of the open car window, all the while maintaining a loose clasp on the steering wheel with her other hand.

"Personally I think Kaiser's shot was a one-time miss, my goat will score next chapter. Trust me." Liva, who was lounging across Hina and Jae's laps, suddenly piped up, causing everyone to turn their heads.

Jae casts a glance at Liva before gently reaching out to twirl strands of her hair between their fingers. Hina released a sigh, shaking her head in response to the previous statement."Isagi is currently the most valuable player of the match, he's the one whose shots are currently going in. Did you see that double gun volley? Like Isagoat never fails."

A few nods, yet some more reluctant than others judging from how Liva's face scrunches a little, mouth about to open in protest before a look of defeated agreement washes over her.

"Isagi is a goat, that's true, but Kaiser just he just... yeah no he fumbled I can't even lie to yall.. but still, I hope Ness leaves him not gonna lie." She hums thoughtfully, lazily lolling her head back to peer out the window and watch the rushing scenery pass by the windows of the moving car.

"Yeah, see even Liva agrees Isagi is the goat, and she's a Kaiser fan!" Hina quickly perks up at the chance for slander, Liva incredulously sparing her a look with an open jaw.

"Im not even a diehard fan! what's that supposed to mean!? Zantetsu is way better than the both of them!" She wails at the other girl who simply sticks her tongue out and a tickmark appears for a moment.

"He's so unknown, there's no content of the guy anywhere girl, fewer crumbs than Sae at this point!" Azzy let out an heavy sigh as she took a long drag from her blunt, exhaling a cloud of smoke that drifted toward the passengers in the back. The other girls in the rear of the car immediately started coughing as the smoke-infused wind reached them.

"God, weed smell like shit!" Liva cries, coughing afterwards meanwhile Hina bites back a cough threatening to leave her as well, fanning in front of her face with a small frown.

"At least blow out the window, you're gonna suffocate us." She says, stern yet friendly as she watches Azzy shrug her shoulders stiffly, pulling her blunt away from her mouth with a small smile.

"Sorry." She says curtly, visibly perking up when she seems to remember something, earning a few curious looks at the visible remembrance.

"Oh yeah! speaking of goats, My wife, My husband, Rin!" she says proudly, earning a haughty scoff from someone else in the back who jumps up, that person being Juana who quickly yells out.

"Sae is the better Itoshi!" She loudly screeches, earning groans from the volume of her voice in such a tight space, ricocheting into everyone's ears and assaulting them, everyone else shares a singular thought because as soon as those words leave her mouth. An uproar of voices follows.

"No! Isagi better!"

"Kaiser better!"

"Rin is better!

"Karasu is so much better than all of them!"

"Shut the fuck up! Kaiser is way better!"

"My mom asked if dinner was ready, and I yelled KAISER!-she knew the food was done!"

"He's a washed-up piece of shit!-"

"Sae is the better new gen!"

"No, he's not!"

"Why is nobody talking about Barou?!?"

"Because he's not the real egoist! Neither is Rin! it's Kaiser!"

With how Azzy's head whips around and away from the road you would think someone had punched her with the might of a bull, yet she's just about to and ready to protect her self-proclaimed husband, Rin.

"He's so much better! Kaiser is fucking Washed-"

"WATCH THE ROAD!" Hina cries along with everyone else, Liva having not even noticed they're about to crash just as her mouth opens in protest.

"KAISER ISN'T WASHED!-" Liva's anguished cries echoed through the room as she fiercely pounded her fists into her thighs, her distress evident in every movement.

Azzy just manages to turn her head back right before a pole comes rushing at them, screaming as she grabs at the steering wheel with both hands, in her rush the blunt she's smoking falls onto her lap and nearly burns her poor clothes, the aggressiveness of the turn makes the car swerve when she tries to get it back on the road and they head straight for a ditch, all of them flying left and right as the car bumps before it slams right into a tree.


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