Chapter one- Crush

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Uma's pov:

I should be happy right now, there's a thousand reasons to be... Mal brought down the barrier, me and her are friends again...

but I can't get that scene out of my head... Harry flirting with Evie, then trying to kiss me...but I rejected him because...

how could he?! I know that I've loved him for a while now, and I was certain he felt the same way, but they way he looked at Mal, then Evie and then he had the audacity to try to kiss me! Now I can't get him out of my head... all I can think about is him trying to kiss me, then me rejecting him and then him dancing with Audrey. And now Audrey and him are friends and soon enough they'll be together and my chance will be gone forever. Crushes are so stupid. Yes I admit it.

I, Uma, have a crush on Harry Hook.

Harry's pov:

Okay, let's get one thing straight. I have a huge crush on Uma. I thought that by getting Mal or Evie to date me that I could get over it. When that didn't work, well I tried to kiss Uma, and I got rejected. Me and Audrey are talking now but... I can't get that rejection out of my head. I act like I'm into Audrey so I don't hurt her feelings but, Uma is the only one I've ever truly loved. But us getting together is out of the cards. She made it very clear that we are best friends, not lovers. There's no way that we could get together. Like ever.

AN: Okay, that was just a trailer for the book pretty much. The rest of the chapters will be longer than that. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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