chapter 2 - girl talk

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Uma liked to stay in routine, so every morning when she woke up, she would get up, take a shower, do her makeup (which usually wasn't lot) and get dressed. But today was different. For one thing, it was Uma's first day in Auradon, and for another, after what went down yesterday, she was emotionally exhausted. But she made herself get up anyway, so she could go talk to Evie. She seemed like the best person to talk to about a crush. After all, she watched her sing that entire song to her boyfriend before waking him up.

After getting ready, she took an Uber over to Evie's 'starter castle' as she calls it. She walked up to the door and knocked. Evie opened it with a yawn. "Uma?" She asked. "That's my name." She said. "You're the last person I expected to be knocking at my door this early." She said with a smile. "It's not that early." She said as she checked her phone. "For me, on a Saturday, yes, it is." Evie laughed. "So what brings you here?" She asked. "Well, I need to talk to you if you're free." Uma asked. "Yeah, come in." Evie said with a smile. Uma and Evie went to her living room, where Dizzy and Celia were. "Hey guys, I didn't know you were up already." Evie said. "Well, we're still getting used to this whole sleeping in thing, we didn't really have that on th Isle, remember?" Celia said. "Yeah, you'll get used to it." Evie said as she sat down on the couch. "Girls, why don't you go hang out in your rooms, I think Uma and Evie need to talk." Doug said from behind them. "Yeah sure." Dizzy said as she and Celia went to their rooms. "I was about to head our anyway, see you later?" Doug said as he headed toward the front door. "Yeah, see you later, babe." Evie said. "Last I checked, you two still hadn't kissed or said the L word, but now you two are calling each other babe?" Uma asked with a chuckle. "Yeah, ever since the whole Audrey turning Evil thing, we've been getting more serious." Evie said with a dreamy smile. "Anyway, what did you want to talk about?" Evie asked. "It's about Harry." Uma said with a sigh. "About him trying to flirt with me?" Evie asked causally. "Yeah, how did you know?" Uma asked. "I can tell when someone's jealous." Evie said with a shrug. "I kind of like him, and I know he likes me." Uma said. "Yeah, he definitely does." Evie nodded. "I just don't know if we could work out. If we don't, it would ruin our friendship." Uma sighed. "I know the feeling." Evie said with a reassuring smile. "What do you mean?" Uma asked. "Well me and Doug were freinds for a while before we were a couple, even though we both liked each other." Evie said. "Harry definitely won't ask you out now because he thinks you freind zoned him." Evie said. "So I have to ask him out?" Uma said. "Yeah but work quickly before Audrey takes him." Evie pointed out. "Yeah, first she tries to take Auradon then Harry, what is with her?" Uma asked. "Well, she's different now she's trying to be a better person." Evie said. "Who's helping her with that?" Uma asked. "Mal, Lonnie, Jane, and me." Evie said. 
"That's nice of you guys, especially Mal, considering everything she's done to her." Uma said. "Yeah, but like I said, Mal always comes through." Evie said. "I know what you need." Evie said after a moment. "Huh?" Uma said. "A girls' day, to help clear your mind from this whole Harry situation." Evie said cheerfully. "I guess it wouldn't hurt." Uma said.

"So why exactly are we here?" Mal said as she walked with all the others in the Auradon mall. "Uma needs a girls day." Jane said. "Harry problems?" Mal asked. "Yeah." Evie said. "Ha you owe me 5 bucks Lonnie." Mal said. "You guys were betting on this?" Uma said with an eye roll. "Yeah." Lonnie shrugged. "I thought it would be because Lonnie and Jay." Jane said with a smirk. "Are you two a thing now?" Uma asked. "Nope. Lonnie won't ask him out." Mal said. "I will! Eventually..." Lonnie trailed off. "Come on guys! We're having girls day today, so no boy talk!" Evie scolded. "Come on E! I know your dying to talk about how you and Doug are getting more serious!" Mal said with a smirk. "Ooooooh" the girls said. "Come on M, we're going to your favorite place." Evie said with a matching smirk. "Oh no not the dress store, I'm sorry E!" Mal said. "Too little too late!" Evie said. "Usally I hate dress shops, but this is hilarious!" Uma laughed. "Oh were gonna find soooo many dresses and were going to try them all on!" Evie said with a mischievous grin. "Nooooo!" Mal said, sounding like a toddler. "This is gonna be the bast day of my life." Uma chuckled as she followed them into the dress shops.


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