18. marriage

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"YOONGI WHERE ARE YOU" Jimin screamed his lungs out when somone stop him by his palm make Jimin eye widen.

"You....you what are you doing here, where I'm" the person sighed and take Jimin inside when the lights on which make Jimin gasped.

"Wh...what is this Taehyung" he asked from the person who take him inside.

"Won't you hug your bestfriend first before asking something" Taehyung voice cracked when Jimin hugged him tightly puting his head on his shoulder.

"If your meet up finish now can we do for what we all are here" Jimin and Taehyung pulled out when Jungkook called them. Jimin looking at them with confusion when Namjin from other side also came make Jimin eyes wide.

"What all of you are doing here and where is Yoongi" Jimin asked from Namjin and Taekook when they all smiled and point at the front area where Jimin eyes fell and he gasped after looking there.

"I'm here Jimin-ah" Yoongi was standing there with someone else also make Jimin mind confused. He dont know what all this is happening so without any words he went towards Yoongi when Yoongi pulled Jimin on stage and make him stand in front of him when all four clap for them.

"Do You Min Yoongi take Park Jimin as your lawfully wedded husband"

Jimin looking at the father in shock when his eyes fell on Yoongi was smiling while looking down.

"I DO" yoongi said and hold Jimin hand.

"What is happening here can someone tell me" Jimin asked once again before father could say anything.

"Baby we are getting married"

"But why now why not tomorrow" Jimin asked again when Yoongi sighed.

"If I say will you trust me" Jimin nodded.

"Okay but for first you have to marry me. Right now" he calmly said when Jimin body shivered hearing marriage word but he didn't said anything but nodded.

"Start father" Yoongi said when father continue.

"Do you Park Jimin take Min Yoongi as your lawfullly wedded husband" Jimin gulped and looking at Yoongi eyes which screaming only love for Jimin.

"I...I do" he stutter when Yoongi smiled which make Jimin heart beat faster then normal days. He always find that captivate charm in Yoongi's smile.

"Now you both kissed as official husbands"
Father said with smile when Yoongi pulled Jimin closer by his waist and attach their lips make everyone cheer for them.

Jimin feeling butterflies all over his body when Yoongi lips moving along with him. Its not first time but this one is special for both of them because they are kissing as husbands now. Not becacuse of jealousy or anything.

Jimin hand travelled from Yoongi neck to his hairs when Yoongi insert his tounge in Jimin mouth leaving him breatheless.

"Guys will you stop eating eachother in front of my holly eyes" Jin said while closing his eyes when Yoonmin pulled out being all embarrassed.

"Now you both are husbands congratulations" Namjoon teased them when Taekook giggle make Yoonmin shy.

"Guys now tell me what is going here" Jimin asked when everyone except him sharing glances with eachother.

"Its time to tell him the truth suga hyung"
Namjoon said looking at Yoongi when Jimin eyes widen hearing name.

"S..Suga" Jimin stutter looking at Yoongi when he nodded make Jimin trembled in fear.

"Yes Jimin I'm that merciless gangster from whom this whole world scare but no one knows how he looks. My all enemies including my family members don't know that I'm the real gangster which they all fighting to get postions"
He said when everyone listening him while Jimin also hearing everything blankly. He didn't understand what he is hearing.

"Then why that day Namjoon Hyung told me that your life is in danger when You are the most powerful here" Jimin asked while looking at namjoon who was siting there while looking down.

"It was lie Jimin that time your life at risk and you hate me so much and I couldn't have something else other then this to make you close ar myself"

Jimin whole world collapse. He don't know that Yoongi lied with him like this. He fist his hands before answering the truth.

" You lied with me so easily namjoon hyung that I couldn't think other than my Yoongi life in danger such a bad person you all are and you Min Yoongi"

He hold Yoongi collar and looking in his eyes directly which became soft for Jimin.

"Why the hell you thinks I hate you. I thought you hate me because I leave miserable five years ago so I just making distance from you that you won't have to see my face. More than I hate myself idiot" he left Yoongi collar while breathe heavily because of anger.

"Jimin I never hated you its just I need to pretend infront of the people who thinks you are my weakness which is true though"

He bitterly chuckled when Jungkook came towards him and make him sit on chair which is beside him.

"Who are those people yoongi"
Jimin blankly asked while folding his hands on his chest when Jungkook decided to speak.

"It is somone close to our heart Jimin-ssi that you still can't imagine but I won't tell you now. You will know by yourself"

His words make Jimin chuckle but he stoped when he feel dizzy and suddenly he fall down being unconscious make everyone shocked because it was so much for him to bear not for him but his mind also.

"Wake up Jimin god what happen to him, Yoongi right now take him hospital we will come from another side"

Jin said while placing Jimin head on his lap when Yoongi nodded and take Jimin in bridal side and straight went towards his car from the crowd.

(After knowing the truth Jimin be like😂🤌)

(After knowing the truth Jimin be like😂🤌)

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Secret Marriage || Yoonmin FFWhere stories live. Discover now