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Captain Smith was talking to Second Officer Lightoller about how calm it is and that it will make harder to see the icebergs. Captain Smith was calling it a night and told Lightoller to inform him of any news.

Up on the crow nest, the two lookouts were freezing their butts off.

"Bloodily cold." Lookout #2 said. 

"I can smell ice when it is near." Lookout #1 said. Lookout #2 had a hard time believing the Lookout #1. 

"It is true." Lookout #1 said.

First Officer Murdoch came on deck, and he asked Lightoller if he found the binoculars for the lookouts. He said haven't seen them since Southampton. Lightoller told Murdoch that he was off to do his rounds. Murdoch stay on deck to see for iceberg.

Meanwhile, Victoria is sleeping in her bedroom part of her suite. Seokjin was in the smoking room with his friends. He finishes his drink and head back to his suite. It is 11:35pm when Seokjin arrived back to his suite. He was about to get ready for bed when he felt something was off.

Back up on the crow nest, the two lookouts were looking out for ice. The two of them saw an iceberg and one of the lookouts ring the bell. The lookout #1 called down to officer quarters. Murdoch turned around when he heard the bell and look to see an iceberg in front of the ship.

"Yes. What do you see out there?" Officer asked.

"Iceberg, right ahead." Lookout #1 said.

"Thank you." Officer said.

Murdoch run over to them when the officer informed him about the iceberg.

"Hard to starboard." Murdoch yelled.

He then sends a signal down to the engine room to stop and then full speed astern. He then looked over to Moody to ask him a question.

"Is it hard over?" Murdoch asked.

Moody said yes and Murdoch started watch the ship to see it slightly turning. Murdoch saw that ship was going to hit. The ship hit the iceberg and the lower deck felt it big time. Ship was shaking and iceberg scraping sound on the ship.

Meanwhile, Thomas Andrews was in his suite when he felt the table shaking and looked up to see chandelier is shaking too. He knew that something bad has happened. Seokjin was in his suite when saw the lights were shaking. He knew something was off and need to know what happened. He decided to go to Victoria suite. 

Back up on deck, Captain Smith came out to ask what happened and Officer Murdoch told him that the ship hit an iceberg. Captain Smith then looks at the damage on the deck to see ice on the deck. He told them to all stops. Thomas Andrews and Captain Smith went down to the boiler room to see the damage.

Seokjin was at Victoria suite door when Eleanor came to see her daughter with James right behind her. Seokjin knocked on the door and Elizabeth answered the door. Seokjin, my mother, and James came into my suite.

"Elizabeth, what is going on out here? Who was knocking on the door?" Victoria said.

"Sorry to disturb you, Sweetheart. But I think something happened." Seokjin said.

"I notice the engines have stop." James said.

"Mother, are you okay?" Victoria asked.

"Yes, I am fine. I just woke up from the shaking." Eleanor said.

"It has gotten quiet." Victoria said.

My mother and James went back to their suites and Seokjin stayed in my suite to talk to me.

Thomas Andrews, Bruce Ismay, Captain Smith, and the rest of the officers were meeting about what is happening. Thomas Andrews told how many compartments were flooding. He told them the ship situation is bad.

"The ship will sink." Thomas said.

"How much time do we have?" Captain Smith asked.

"An hour or two the most." Thomas said. Captain Smith looked shocked by the news.

"Murdoch, how many aboard?" Captain Smith asked.

"2200 souls aboard, Sir." Murdoch said.

"I believe you may get your headline, Mr. Ismay." Captain Smith said.

We now back into Victoria suite, Seokjin and Victoria was talking when there was a knock on the door. Elizabeth answered the door to see a steward coming into telling them of the captain orders.

"Dress warmly. It is quite cold tonight." Steward said.

Victoria was shocked and steward came over to her.

"I am sure is just precaution. Please put on your lifebelts." Steward said.

"Thank you. Elizabeth, please help me get ready. Seokjin go get ready yourself." Victoria said.

"Yes, Miss." Elizabeth said.

"I will come back in ten minutes." Seokjin said.

Seokjin left the suite and Elizabeth help me get ready. Ten minutes later, Seokjin came back to the suite, and I told Elizabeth to get handbag and put the money and jewelry in it. I also told her to put the two necklaces in it. Seokjin saw the drawing that I was going to give him at the engagement party. Elizabeth closed the safe with the drawing still in it.

The three of us head out of my suite and I saw my mother coming over to us with her maid and James. We head to the grand staircase where I saw Mr. Andrews.

"Mr. Andrews, please tell me the truth. What is happening?" Victoria asked. Seokjin joined us and heard everything.

"The ship will sink." Thomas said.

"You are certain." Victoria said.

"What." Seokjin said.

"Yes. In an hour or two, all of this will be at the bottom of the Atlantic." Thomas said.

I was shocked to hear the news.

"Look I don't want to cause panic. Get to a lifeboat and quickly. You remember what I told you." Thomas said.

"Alright. I understand." Victoria said.

Seokjin was about to ask Mr. Andrews a question when Mr. Andrews walked away from them. I head back to my mother, and she wanted our maids to go back to our suite. Seokjin stopped my mother from doing it. We decided to head up to the top deck to get on a lifeboat.

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