Arrival in Heartland City

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"You feel that, Malcolm?" Lilith asked, grinning from ear to ear. The devilish duel spirit felt like electricity was spreading through the air, a slight buzz that permeated every fiber of her being.

"Not now, Lilith," Malcolm whispered under his breath. "Wait until we've landed and we're alone." Malcolm was sitting in the most compact plane seat he'd ever been in, Lilith sitting on his lap over his seatbelt. She complained that he hadn't bought a separate seat for her, but he told her to suck it up. Just because his soul was contracted to her doesn't mean she gets to demand a free seat. Mainly because Malcolm couldn't afford it.

They were flying into Heartland City, supposedly the place to be shortly when it came to dueling. Lilith had overheard something about a tournament incoming and thought it would be a good chance to help Malcolm with his contract. It would help him make a name for himself for her end of the contract, and it could help him grab some souls for her.

"Right, from what I've heard, Heartland City has become the Land of Number Cards lately. And since Numbers can only be destroyed by Numbers, you need some of your own to compete," Lilith explained. "Thankfully, I was able to pull a few strings and get Alice to give me these. I would say be careful because they'll try to take control of your soul, but don't worry pet. I won't let that happen." Lilith held up three cards in front of Malcolm. He grabbed them from her, and thankfully no one was looking at him to see the three cards materialize out of thin air.

"I know you don't run any rank ones, but that's what the middle one is for."

In Malcolm's hands were three Number cards. The two on either side shared a motif, while the center one was slightly different. Malcolm nodded and put the three cards in his Extra Deck bag while Lilith faded from view, returning to wherever it was she went when not interacting with him. He turned and glanced out the window of the plane, seeing the glittering ocean below. He smiled.

'Can only be destroyed by other Numbers you say?' Malcolm pondered. 'Wonder if Lair of Darkness can tribute them...'


"Ladies and gentlemen, Kaiba Air welcomes you to Heartland City, local time is 9:54 PM. For your safety and the safety of those around you, please..." the pilots announced from the cockpit, but Malcolm blocked the rest of the speech out. Malcolm grabbed his backpack from the seat in front of him and waited for the people in front of him to disembark the plane. Once it was his turn, he stood and began to move with the rest of the pack to disembark. He pulled out his phone and began to look up if there was anything of note to see. However, as he did, he felt his face make contact with the person in front of him, causing him to stumble back and hold his nose.

"Oi, dumb cunt, the point is to keep walking, not stop for no reason!" Malcolm explained, his voice nasally due to the hit he took. But the person gave no response.

Malcolm tapped them on the shoulder, saying, "I'm talking to you. Move!" Still no response. Malcolm peeked over the person's shoulder and looked ahead, seeing that no one was moving. Some people even had a leg in the air ready to step forward, but something was just preventing them from doing so.

"Right, okay then," Malcolm said, confused. There were way too many people actually doing this for it to be a prank, so he had no clue what to think. "Lilith, any ideas?"

"Almost like time has stopped," the fiend pointed out. "Check your watch." Sure enough, the hands on Malcolm's wristwatch weren't moving. Time really had stopped.

"Okay, so how do we get out of here?" Malcolm asked. "The plane is a single-file aisle, and there's an entire group of people in front of us."

"Could always climb on their shoulders, get out over them."

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