Chapter 4: Grayson

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"Why don't you wait out in the lobby, Charlotte?"

Jax gestures toward his office door.

"I just have a couple of things to go over with Grayson here and you guys can be on your way."


Charlotte gives me one last, apprehensive look before exiting the office. I watch her leave, then turn back to Jax. The second the door shuts, he turns up the dial on his glare.

"Grayson, I'm not sure that you're taking the threat of the Nation as seriously as the situation warrants."

I cock an eyebrow at him.

"How do you figure I'm not taking it seriously? I take everything seriously."

"Your attitude is kind of, I don't know, 'to hell with it,' I'd say."

I narrow my gaze, fighting down a hot flash of anger.

"I know all too well what happens when you don't take a threat seriously enough. The last time I made that mistake, my sister paid the price. I'll never do it again."

Jax is taken aback. He blinks several times before letting out a long sigh, visibly deflating before my eyes.

"I know exactly how you feel. I lost my sister, too. Madison." Jax reaches up to touch the St. Michael medal hanging on a chain around his neck.

That's right. I'd forgotten that Jax and I had that in common.

"It never really goes away, does it?" I ask softly.

"The pain? No, it doesn't go away. It does get easier to deal with, though. You know what they say about time healing all wounds?"


"Well, it's horseshit, because time never really heals anything. It does dull the pain, though."

I lean back against the wall and cross my arms over my chest.

"Is that where we are, Jax? Two used-up former grunts dulling our pain the best we can?"

Jax laughs, and his eyes brighten.

"Well, Easton helps me feel other things besides the pain. And I don't just mean in the obvious way, either. I never would have said it before, but human connection can help you cope with loss. You should try it sometime."

I scoff. The idea of being with anyone for a long term relationship seems absurd to me. No one would put up with me except in small doses. It's better that way.

"I'll make that a priority. Is there anything else you wanted to discuss with me?"

Jax strokes his chin, his eyes boring into me.

"Can you put your pain aside and do the job?"

"Yeah," I say without hesitation. "I made a career out of stuffing the pain and getting the job done, Jax. That's why you hired me."

Jax looks at me for a long time, not saying a word. I can tell he's not sure if he believes me or not. But in the end, he gestures for the door.

"All right. Keep her safe, Grayson. She's a high profile client with a huge following. If you screw this up, I don't know that the firm can take the PR hit."

"I'm sure your wife knows some excellent public relations people. But don't worry. I won't let anyone harm a single hair on Charlotte's head. I'll die first."

Jax blinks and drops his hand to the desk.

"Let's hope it doesn't come to that. Good luck, Grayson, and never forget that your Platinum Security brothers are just a phone call away. We stand together, or we die alone."

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