Chapter 7: The Art of Love

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The Hercyna launch event went smoothly, marking a significant milestone for David and Joon-Ho The departmental store's grand opening was a resounding success, attracting both media attention and a wave of enthusiastic customers. The strategy to infiltrate Queens Group was progressing steadily, with key individuals successfully planted within the company. With the launch behind him, David decided to return to Korea, eager to move forward with his plans.

Upon his return, David was greeted with warm congratulations from his colleagues and friends, including Joon-Ho, who had been instrumental in orchestrating the Hercyna launch. Chae Yeon, too, expressed her happiness for David's success, her eyes sparkling with genuine pride. The warmth of her support filled David with a sense of accomplishment and gratitude.

With the Hercyna crisis settled and his focus on Queens Group temporarily on hold, David found his thoughts drifting more and more to Chae Yeon. He admired her resilience and compassion, traits that seemed to draw him closer to her with each passing day. He realized he wanted to spend more time with her, to explore the feelings that had been growing between them.

One morning, David decided it was time to muster up the courage to ask Chae Yeon out on a proper date. He wanted to do something special, something that would show her how much she meant to him. After much deliberation, he hit upon an idea that was as simple as it was heartfelt: he would create a piece of artwork just for her.

David made his way to the local art supplies store, determined to find everything he needed for his surprise. As he wandered through the aisles, he couldn't help but feel a bit out of his depth. He picked up brushes, sketch pads, and a set of vibrant colored pencils, his mind racing with ideas. He was determined to create something meaningful, even if his artistic skills were, to put it kindly, rudimentary.

Back home, David set up his makeshift studio. He cleared his dining table, spread out his supplies, and stared at the blank sheet of paper before him. With a deep breath, he began to sketch. He wanted to capture a moment that symbolized the joy and excitement he felt whenever he was with Chae Yeon.

The result, after several hours of earnest effort, was a drawing that could only be described as... charmingly amateurish. The background featured a large Ferris wheel, its bright colors and whimsical lines evoking a sense of fun and adventure. In front of the Ferris wheel stood two stick figures: a man and a woman, hand in hand. Above them, in carefully written Korean, were the words: "Will you go on a date with me?"

 Above them, in carefully written Korean, were the words: "Will you go on a date with me?"

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David couldn't help but chuckle at his creation. It was far from a masterpiece, but it was filled with sincerity. He hoped Chae Yeon would see the effort and thought he had put into it. With the drawing safely tucked into a folder, he headed to her gallery, excitement and nervousness bubbling within him.

Chae Yeon's gallery was bustling with activity when David arrived. The latest exhibition had drawn a considerable crowd, and Chae Yeon was flitting about, speaking with patrons and ensuring everything was running smoothly. David waited patiently, enjoying the sight of her in her element.

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