Chapter 22

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POV: Hanni

"One Two! One Two! One Two! Come on! Faster!"

I know this was supposed to be encouraging, but it was beginning to annoy the hell out of me. I kept hitting the stupid punching bag harder each time, just because Haerin was annoying.


I leaned against the wall near the punching bag to catch my breath as she stared at me with the most shocked expression.

"I have never heard you yell before," Haerin said to more to herself.

I scoffed, "I don't do it often, but you're really pissing me off,"

"Hey, you're the one who called me," she accused.

I sighed and slouched farther against the wall, "I know," I shook my head, "It's just harder than I thought,"

"Well you can't become a pro fighter overnight," she shrugged.

"Yeah," I laughed, "I'm so out of shape."

"Nah," Haerin waved me off, "You just don't have as much strength as you have stamina."

"Is that supposed to be a compliment?"

She chuckled, "I mean, you can do something for a long time, with agility and speed, like shuffling and jabs, but your power punches suck. You have no muscle."

I looked down at my thin arms, "You're right on one thing at least,"

Then, it seemed like the little light bulb above her head lit up, "I have an idea," Haerin started, "We should focus on building your speed, so you can dodge and get more opportunities to hit, so you don't rely on one power punch to knock the other person down."

"Sounds good," I shrugged.

Haerin checked her watch, "Fuck,"


"You need to start getting ready for the gala tonight before Minji comes back."

Oh shoot!

I quickly gathered my things in a gym bag and slung it over my shoulder. As I started jogging up the stairs, I stopped and turned around.

"Hey, Haerin?"


"Thanks again for helping me out. It's important to be able to handle bad situations that come with being a part of this lifestyle."

She gave me a toothy smile, "Of course, especially if it gets my best friend laid."

I turned away, laughing and blushing. I can't blame her; she's right.


I was ready for the gala early, so I decided to get some fresh air on the balcony. My black heels clicked against the floor, while I was careful to not mess up the tight black dress I was wearing. I leaned against the railing, letting the curls from my half up half down hairstyle fall around me.

The night was beautiful. The sky was clear, showing off its bright stars that contrasted with the darkness. The skyscrapers twinkled in the distance, while the lights from cars moved along paths. It's just something about the night that draws me in.

My thoughts briefly strayed to Minji. She was always so worried about and that makes me worried. It's nice to know that she cares and really does want me happy, but I don't want her stressing out over me. I felt like I needed to do something, so I called Haerin to help me learn to fight or at least defend myself. I wanted to be with Minji forever, and in order for that to happen, I needed to live. It sounds basic, but it wasn't. I knew she could take care of herself and me, but when she isn't with me, I would be in danger.

My thoughts were interrupted by muscular arms snaking their way around my waist, and a hard chest pressing against my back. Her expensive cologne invaded my lungs, making me shiver. Her soft lips pecked my cheek and lingered against my skin for a few seconds.

"I missed you," she whispered, lips brushing against my ear.

I grinned and turned around, wrapping my arms around her neck, "I missed you, too,"

Her hand came up to my cheek and she gently stroked it, looking deep into my eyes, "Fuck, you're beautiful,"

Right in that moment, it felt like my heart did a flip, causing me to smile wider. I tiptoed up to her height and pressed my lips against her. Her grip tightened and she kissed me back with such desire and passion that I thought I would faint. Once I was almost out of breath, she pulled back with one last peck to my lips.

"I'm starting to think I should change my plans for tonight. Maybe call in sick," Minji suggested.

"But then all this hair and makeup would be for nothing."

She raised an eyebrow, "This wasn't for me?"

I smirked, "Of course not, I want everyone's attention."

Her hands travel to my butt, pulling me closer to her. "You better be joking because I'm quite possessive," she warned.

I giggled.

Minji shook her head, "You evil woman," she mumbled.

I leaned closer to her ear. "I did this so you would feel proud that I am yours," whispered, confessing that I wanted her to show me off as her.

Her lips met my cheek, "I already am proud that you are mine," she whispered.

"I hope you know that."

I smiled up at her. "I'm glad." I pecked her lips, "I don't know how I got so lucky," I mumbled.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

I giggled. "I don't know how I ended up with a woman as amazing as you. I must have done something good."

She shook her head. "In this relationship, I'm the lucky one."

I began to open my mouth to speak, but she interrupted me. "Don't argue because, trust me, you'll lose."

"How do you know?" I challenged, raising an eyebrow.

"Because I like to win, and everyday a single day, you manage to surprise me.

Everyday you do something different and unexpected but so damn kind at the same time that I just want to be around you all the time and have you all to myself. And don't get me started about what you can do in bed."

My cheeks turned so red at the last statement. "With the way I'm screaming your name, I would think you'd think your some sex god." I can't believe I just said that.

Minji smirked and then sighed. "We're going to be late,"


Then, turned me around and started to unzip my dress.

We're going to be VERY late to the gala.


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