5 - Billie

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I guess it is true when they say that there is no rest for the wicked.

My notifications have been popping off all night long since the news broke about the attack on Nancy. Last night's episode of Babysitter's Survival Guide broke a record on the app for most listens in a day and it hasn't even been twenty-four hours yet. Thousands of people are dropping into my follower list on Instagram, X, and the rest of the platforms.

One of my best friends was almost butchered, this should be the part where I take a step back. It is like Stacey said though, if I don't do this, someone else will. And if I am being honest it's giving me some real serotonin.

It is sick and twisted, I know. But I have always known there is something dark inside me. That is why I am doing this.

I finished typing up the end of my script for today's episode on my iPad. I never do more than one episode in a week, but things have changed now that the killer is back. People are going to want their information now, so I really have to switch things up.

I'm just getting up from my desk when there is a knock on the bedroom door. Aunt Heather pops her head in before I even get the chance to respond.

"I might have been asleep you know." I say as if I'm not the first one up and the last person in bed every night in the house.

She shuts the door behind her and leans against it. "We both know you didn't get a lick of sleep last night."

I don't really know what to say, so I nod instead. Of course, I didn't get any sleep. For once I didn't need a single energy drink for an all-nighter.

"Have you heard anything about Nancy since you got back?" she asks. Any other person you might think is nosey by asking, but Aunt Heather is the most genuine soul on this earth. It is real concern.

"Nothing yet, but the girls and I said we'd go see her at the hospital later."

Her mouth twitches sideways a second, trying to contain a facial expression she hasn't gotten any better at hiding since she found out I'm friends with them. It is pretty obvious she doesn't exactly approve of our friendship.

She exhales and crosses the room to my bed and sits down. Here it comes, the talk I knew was coming since I got back home last night. Aunt Heather runs a hand through her long brown hair, streaked only by a few grey strands, clearly working up to what she wants to say.

"I'm not your mother," she begins, "and I don't want you to think this is me bossing you around or trying to 'Mom' you. Lord knows you're more than capable of taking care of yourself." A fact that is only thanks to my actual mother's almost non-existence. You learn how to take care of yourself real quick when your only parent is in and out of rehab like it is a job. I never blamed her though, nobody could. "But do you think hanging around them is such a good idea right now? Especially with what happened last night?"

It's hard to give a response to that because she really is right. Being friends with them is not a good idea, it never was.

"They're my best friends", I manage to say. "I can't just ditch them." Nor would I want to. We are really close, even Reagan, no matter how she may show it sometimes.

"I just want you to be careful." Aunt Heather gets up and hugs me warmly. Hugs are always so awkward for me, but hers are the best. She opens the door, but stops, and turns her head back at me. "I know I have never asked before, but do you want to talk about it?"

My throat tightens. "It's all good. I promise." It actually isn't good at all, but it never has been really so. We've gone seven months without bringing it up. After I had asked to move to Auburn Grove and into Mom's sister's house and she agreed, I had spent the entirety of that fifteen-hour train ride preparing myself for that conversation. But it never happened, and that is why Aunt Heather is the most amazing woman on earth.

"Well, if you ever do, you know." Not another word is said. She smiles sweetly trying to cover her concern and leaves me to be alone, my comfort.

Okay, now it really is time to get to work.

I take my tablet with me into my recording studio, which is really just the empty bedroom closet with my laptop and microphone plugged in on a night-stand. Some might judge, but the views only started rolling in recently and so I've been working on a budget. Besides, the acoustics in here are impeccable. Crammed in and with the bedroom door shut, I boot up the recording software on the laptop.

I open up the script on my iPad. It is just about showtime, but my phone rings. Distraction after distraction. Anyone else, I would have sent straight to voicemail, but not her.

"Nancy!" saying her name almost brings me to tears.

"Hey girl." Her voice sounds weak, obviously, but the fact she is up and talking this soon I'll take as a miracle. "So, do I get my own special feature now too?" Nancy laughs nimbly.

I return the laugh awkwardly as my eyes look down upon her name in my script. It seemed like a better ask for forgiveness rather than permission type situation. Even though she was supportive and helpful when I was prepping my episode on Laurie.

"You better get over here and get your exclusive before the others." Nancy says. "You know Reagan."

I rub my still slightly sore cheek. "You're funny, but that's the last thing I'm thinking about right now." I may be driven, but I'm not sleezy. I would at least have waited a week before asking her for some kind of interview.

Nancy tries to muffle a groan. "I'm serious Billie. Come here before Reagan and Stacey do. There is something I need to talk to you about."

What could she possibly want to tell me that she won't say in front of them? Clearly, something I can't possibly pass up. "I can be there in an hour. I'm just finishing up something here and then I have a quick stop to make."

"Alright, thank you."

"Nancy", I say before hanging up. "I'm really glad you're still alive."

"Just make sure it's a good episode. I'll see you soon."

A grin breaks across my face. She knows me.

I finally turn my phone off and hit the record button. Lets get rolling.

"Safe nights all you babysitters out there and welcome to an exclusive update on Babysitter's Survival Guide. Last night the town of Auburn Grove was once again plunged into fear when yet another local teen was stabbed while babysitting.

"In today's episode I will be covering this horrifying story and what it means for our seemingly cursed small town, including updates from local law enforcement. And as always, a new guide for you babysitter's on how to survive if you find yourself the target of a deranged killer.

"For those of you clinging to this story, I will be posting live updates across all social media platforms. So, make sure to like, follow, and subscribe so you don't miss a thing!

"But first, let's start with my exclusive interview with a source who has had a first-hand experience of suffering at the hands of a killer..."

With a quick click, the audio track is switched over to the interview I had recorded last night after being escorted home and driving right back out to get. Normally on podcasts you'd have the person come to the studio to do the interview, but there's no space in here for two people, barely even one, and I wanted to get it before I realized how bad of an idea it was. Because this interview will surely earn me another smack from Reagan, and this time I might actually deserve it.