6 - Billie

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I'm running behind and definitely won't make it in the hour I had promised Nancy. But I checked Reagan and Stacey's locations before I got in the car and they're both still at home, so I think I'll be okay.

I'd be a lot sooner if I didn't have to make a pit stop first. The text message I got however when I turned my phone back on really didn't give me much of a choice.

You better still show up. You owe me. You owe Laurie.

Not exactly something I can just ignore. Thankfully the place I need to go is on the way to the hospital so I can try to be fast.

I'm severely curious though, why he needs to see me again so soon.

I pull into the parking lot of the Dive, a very on the nose name for a bar like this. Seeing the parking lot now so empty is quite the contrast to how busy it was last night. I highly doubt an under-ager will go unnoticed again, especially this early in the day. So, I pull around to the back of the worn building, only to find him waiting here for me, standing against his car.

"You're late." Jason says as I get out of my aunt's station wagon.

Meeting with the prime suspect in Laurie's murder is definitely at the top of the list of worst idea's ever, at least in broad daylight. Last night he had the brains to meet here after I called him, in a cap and sweater, made even more obscure by the bar's crappy lighting. Now, he's only sporting a t-shirt that is almost too small for him, and jeans. There really is no hiding those muscles that definitely were not in photos of him I saw from a year ago.

"Well, I'm here." I reply. "So, what is so urgent that it couldn't wait. And why couldn't you tell me last night after our interview?"

Jason smiles sarcastically. "You look like you got about as much sleep as I did. I had time to think some things over." He opens up his car door and leans in, fumbling around in what I think is the center console.

"I'm sure you did." I say. "I don't know if you saw, but I posted our interview."

Jason pulls back from the car and I see what he's holding. I completely freeze. Yeah, this definitely was the worst idea ever. He's holding out a gun toward me as if he wants me to take it.

"What the hell are you doing with a gun Jason?" I ask as I finally manage to take a few steps back.

Jason shakes his head at me, seemingly in disbelief that I could possibly ask him that. "My girlfriend was murdered and now her best friend was almost killed too. Of course, I have a gun. Two, actually, and I want you to take this one. You're going to need it." He waves the gun in a poor attempt to entice me to take it.

"I'm not taking that!" I glance around to make sure there isn't anyone in eyesight. "Put it away! And why would I need a gun?"

Jason rolls his eyes. I couldn't be less apologetic for annoying him. Instead of putting it back in the car, he stuffs it into the back of his jeans. How original.

"Well, if you're going to help me catch this fucker, you're going to need some kind of protection." Jason states very matter-of-factly.

I don't think I heard that right. "Sorry, what? I'm not chasing down a murderer Jason. I report true crime and that sounds like an invitation to be true crimed."

Aunt Heather has been super chill about me digging into Sitter-Gate, but I severely doubt she would appreciate me actually taking part in an investigation with an active killer on the loose, let alone running around town playing Scooby Doo. I just know she'd want me to stay away from people asking questions.

"Well, you're going to help me get to the bottom of this. It'll be good for your clout, and in any case, you owe us." I know when he says us, he means himself and Laurie.

I scoff. The nerve of men. "I don't owe you anything. That interview you think you so blessed me with? Yeah, I did that to help you stupid! Because maybe if people actually heard your side and listened, they wouldn't waste their time crucifying you for something you didn't do."

Stunned silence as realization sweeps through him.

The moment I saw him drive by the hospital parking lot last night and the death glare that Reagan and Stacey gave him, I knew he was poised to be back at the top of the suspect list. Thankfully, I already had his number from Nancy from last week when she was giving me all the Laurie information. He was and remains relevant. Just not in the way the rest of the town thinks. Nancy had told me to steer clear, but after last night I knew he'd be looking for someone to talk to.

"Look, we both know the police aren't going to catch whoever it is. Even if they do I want to make sure I am the one who puts a bullet between his eyes for what he did to Laurie." You can see it in the emptiness of his eyes, his love isn't gone. It's now a fuel for the desire of revenge. How tragically perfect. But I can't.

I close the space between us and put a hand on his arm, the best I can give, as I look way up into him. "Jason, I can't imagine what you feel or what you think you want to do. But we can't do this. You can't do this."

"I have to."

Oh, those eyes. They almost get me. I'm sure they convinced Laurie of anything and everything.

"And I have to go." I say. "Please be safe. You can text me anytime, okay?"

I start to head back over to the car.

"I have a lead." He blurts out desperately.

I stop. "Anything you care to share?"

"Not unless you agree to work together." I continue my walk to the car. "Someone might find it suspicious, a girl who has made a name for herself off this town's tragedy suddenly turning her nose up at the chance at an even bigger opportunity. I may not see a killer in you, but others might not think the same you know."

I get back into my car, trying hard not to say something I will regret. After turning on the engine, Jason knocks on my passenger side window, so I roll it down.

"If you change your mind, you'll let me know?" He knows damn well the temptation I'll have. Who in my position wouldn't? Danger aside of course. But being gutted isn't the only thing I need to worry about in this town.

"Of course, and I mean it about texting me."

He nods his head and raps his hand on the door. "I meant to ask last night. Everyone else is so sure I'm the killer. Why aren't you?"

I shrug. "I mean, if Laurie was a one-off sure. I knew after Nancy was stabbed last night though. Maybe it sounds dumb, but my theory is, if you were going serial, you'd have saved the love interest for last."

Jason's face scrunches at my logic. "That is the stupidest shit I have ever heard, but I'll take it." He waves me off as I pull away and head to the hospital.