8- Reagan

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I really could drive myself to school, but Mom insists. She's probably waiting for the final crack in the glass that shatters me again completely and brings me right back to square one.

To avoid any kind of conversation that could trigger an argument I opt to take the backseat of the car when we leave the house. Even with the assistance of the happy pills I took when I woke up in preparation of today's sure-to-be shitshow, my emotional stability has been walking a severely fine line. This of course, is thanks to Billie's 'exclusive' from yesterday that I didn't get the chance to start until I was getting ready for school this morning.

As soon as I heard her mention an interview, I knew there was only one person dumb enough to talk about what happened. Once buckled up, I pop my earbuds in and resume the podcast from where I left off, just as the interview started. Mom pulls out and begins the drive to school.

"For one year now," Billie continues, "you have been the most hated person in Auburn Grove."

"That's right." Jason agrees. "That night I didn't just lose the love of my life." What an absolute load of shit. Nothing he has said or will say could convince me he truly did love Laurie. If that were true, he wouldn't have done the things he did. I can't believe Billie even gave him the time of day. "I lost my friends, most my family still won't talk to me, my way of life died then. But, that isn't what matters. I just want to know who killed her and why."

A sickening dramatic pause. I swear.

"But if you had nothing to do with Laurie's murder, despite what everyone else in town believes, then who else could have a reason to hurt her?" Billie asks.

"That's what I don't understand. Everyone loved her. She was perfect. But did Wyatt Harris have a motive?"

I could absolutely throw my phone out the window. Nobody is going to buy this crap.

Do I actually believe that Jason killed Laurie? No, not really. But I sure as hell know he had a reason for wanting to. And it is a hell of a lot better reason than anyone else in town thinks. This whole act he's putting on though.

Screw you. I remember what you did asshole.

"I've just felt helpless." Jason admits. "I wish I could have done something. Ever since that night, the memory has been burned into my mind, and every time I close my eyes it is there."

"What memory?"

"All the blood. Finding her. There. Dying. And there is nothing I can do."

I hit pause and close my eyes so that I don't see the blood. I've worked so damn hard to keep that out. Yet, I'll never be able to forget, no matter how young I was.

I keep my earbuds in for the rest of the drive but ride in silence, unable to stomach even Lana at this point. We pull onto my school's street and my heart is squeezed tightly at the sight of the chaos.

News vans from every possible station and more line the front of A.G. High. Crowds of students surround them and the reporters, watching, and undoubtedly waiting for their moment in the spotlight.

I might be sick.

"Drive around to the side." I tell Mom like she wasn't already going to do just that.

Mom pulls up to the curb at the side drop off lane behind a line of cars also clearly trying to avoid the media circus. "If you want to come back home you can. You don't have to do this Reag. Nobody would blame you."