Trailing back

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Flie's Note:

So uhmmmm...I saw that Firefly is 13... so in this world/ my AU, she's 16-19 

That was all!

Third person POV:

As you lay there crying, you decided to go to do something. You weren't exactly sure about what, but you decided to return back here after a while. You started at F2, where you entered a room which made you walk on the ceiling and sides of the walls. You opened a chest and got some stellar jades. You also picked up some relics. You equipped them, which was a bad choice. You got a defense substat. When you returned back to the ground floor, your eyes darkened.

Sam was there. It felt like you were in reality, because you realized you were here for a mission, not to have fun with a random girl. But, something was different. Normally, he stands on his ground, his suit shiny and cold. But, now, standing before you, he looked like he was in a really aggressive battle. He was covering a part of his mask. Cracks were appearing, and small pieces of metal were falling off.

"Sam!" You suddenly yell, and he jerks back. He backs away.

"[Y/ N], my suit is about to break- I can't go on the mission. I---"

Suddenly, his mask fell. He covered his face. You started to walk before him. He heard you footsteps.

"No, [Y/ N], don't come near!" He warns you, but now, you're face to face with him. You softly remove his hand, and your eyes widen.

Staring back at you, a pair of pinkish blue eyes stare back. A sweet and innocent girl came to mind. Suddenly, a fire wraps the suit, removing the suit, and showing the girl. She's holding a device. She looks at you, but you don't hesitate to hug her. You ran so fast to hug her from that short distance, so the two of you ended up on the floor. 

"Firefly! You're alive!" You exclaim.

"I am, [Y/ N], because you can't die in dreams." She simply says. 

After several moments, you two get up.

"What will we do now?" Firefly asks

"I honestly don't know." You reply.

"I don't wanna continue the mission.." She says.

"Me neither. I think we should take a break."

"But, Elio says we have to." She says.

"Yeah but, considering your suit is broken, we still have to." You imply. She digests what you say. 

"Well then, I think we need to repair the suit." She says. And nods, a gesture to follow you. She leads you to a strange building in the Golden Hour. As you two enter, you look around. Firefly is carrying the pieces of the suit. You arrive in a dark room, with a lamp on top of the ceiling. Multiple tubes are hanging from one side of the room to another.

"Now, will you help me put these pieces and make them into my Sam suit?" She asked.

"I usually would, but, i'm not good at engineering." You say, remembering your past experiences with constructing AI or other mechanical things.

"I can help you, and you can help me." She says. You nod, and start getting to work. 

Firefly gets a toolbox and contacts somebody. She goes on her computer, and messages SilverWolf, hoping she will deliver printed and metallic pieces for the suit. After 5 hours, the package came, and it's time to build. She grabbed a wrench and started adjusting her suit. You carried the pieces and started to make the suit glow like before. After the exterior of the suit, it was time to decorate and adjust the inside. Firefly crawls in the suit, with the toolbox and a voice box. Nailing and beeping could be heard. She adjusted the glow, and added these cyan, 'magical' swords. And, with a swoosh, fire appeared. You guys were finally done, but just needed to put the mask on. You held on it so tight, and Firefly noticed.

"Here, let me help you." 

She got a wrench and nails(or something like that). As you held it, she stayed on your back, and no, not carrying. She stood there and started to attach the suit. She finally let go, and you escaped. It was like being pinned on the back against a suit of armour. Firefly changed in a bodysuit. It was black, like a void. She entered the robot, and started to wiggle a finger. She twirled, shook her arms, walked, ran and did some fighting movements. Then, you went on your phone and Firefly went out to beat up some monsters before being sure that it was safe to use it. As she unleashed her ult, she turned...her upper part was exposed(who thought of this, Hoyo?!). She entered a locked state and her cyan wings and swords appeared. Using her skill, She turned around, but thank the Aeons her hair was long enough. She came back, and transformed again into Firefly(with clothes, damn, Hoyo, 2.3 players are going to go wild with Jade and Firefly). 

"Now, what was that mission about?" She asked.

"I think...steal the Topaz and Aventurine gems." 

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