Chapter one-A half phantom

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''I'm a what?!'' I said confused
I finally finished school and me and my friends Kisumi and Gou were heading to the mall.As they were talking,I used the opportunity to watch my favourite anime online.I felt something on my leg and I turned my gaze down.There was a little kitty.I smiled and kneed,but when I did that it ran off and stood in the middle of the road.
''Hey,are you listening?'' Kisumi looked at me,but I didn't get my eyes from the fluffy animal that was standing there peacfully.I spotted a blonde boy on the other side of the road.He went to the kitty,but just then I heard a honk.A truck was going to hit them.I panicked
''No!'' I ran to them and pushed them.We both fell on the other side of the road.
''What were you thi-'' I was interrupted by a scream and a few gasps.I looked back and saw Gou and Kisumi standing next to someone laying on the road.That
''How...'' I said shocked.The boy which I saved stood up
''I'm sorry..'' he looked scared and ran away.I felt dizzy and everything became blank.
What did just happend...
''(Y/N)!Wake up please!'' I heard my mom's cracked from crying voice.I opened my eyes slowly.I was in the hospital and next to my bed were standing my parents,Kisumi and Gou.When they saw I was awake I earned a sigh of relief from them.
''Oh,I'm so glad your good sweety!'' mom and dad hugged me and I smiled.
''If you jump infront of a truck again,I swear I'll kill you'' said Kisumi with a smile.How sweet of her...
After awhile they left and I closed my eyes.
I started thinking about the did I see myself laying there...on the ground.
I was having a nightmare...there were really crazy looking eyes staring at me.And those voices...
''It hurts...I want to go home...It hurts..''
I couldn't stand it and I finally opened my eyes.I met two pairs of orange eyes really close to my face.I ran out of bed, scared.
''I'm sorry,I didn't mean to scare you...'' On the bed was standing that boy from earlier.It wasn't that dark and I could see a bright pink color forming on his cheeks.
''You...'' he stood up and came to me.He smiled.I gotta admit..he is pretty cute.Wait,What am I talking?!
''My name is-'' he was cut off by the opening of the window.There stood a figure.I flinched and stepped back by instinct.
''I was looking for you,idiot!'' the figure said angrily and went to the blonde and cought his arm roughly.
''Stop it you baka!'' the boy yelled.I could take a good look now at the figure.It was a boy a little more older than me.He had black raven hair piercing blue eyes that made me shiver.
''Who are you guys..and what are you doing here?'' I spoke and they looked at me.The raven haired one smirked and came to me
''My name is Yato,but I assume you already know'' he said cockily,but I just frowned
''Sorry,but I don't''
''Eek!'' he had a hurt expression on his face.I heard a laugh come from the other boy.He gave his hand so we can handshake
''I'm Yukine'' he smiled and I just melted
''Your really cute'' I suddenly blurted out.What did I just say?!He'll think I'm weird now..
''Thanks..'' he said,his face turning red.
''Um..why are you guys here anyway?..'' I changed the converstaion
''I came here to make sure your okay'' Yukine smiled.I looked at Yato
''I was looking for that punk'' he messed Yukine's hair ''Well we will be going now.We will leave you rest'' they walked to the window
''Wait!'' I yelled,but it was too late.They have alreasy jumped and I started feeling dizzy again.I went to my bed and fell asleep.
The next day the doctor let me leave the hospital and now I was with my friends.While we were walking home I recognized a familliar blondie
''Yukine-kun?'' he turned to me and smiled
''Hey!'' he came to me and gave me a hug
'' didn't tell us you have a boyfriend (Y/N)'' Gou mumbled.Me and Yukine backed off blushing.
''H-he is just a friend you guys..'' and with that the four of us continued walking and talking.Kisumi and Gou went on their way.It was just the two of us now.
''So...'' I decided the brake the awkward silence ''Where is Yato?'' ''He is probably somewhere writing his number'' I looked confused
''why?'' I asked '''To get a call for a job,becuase..he doesn't have one..'' I widden my eyes ''seriously?Don't you live with him?'' he looked at me ''Yeah''
''Where do you guys live?'' ''In a shrine'' I got angry.I will have to talk with him.Suddenly infront of me Yato appeared ''What the hell?!'' I jumped
''Yukine'' he said ''We have a mission'' Yukine groaned and Yato grabbed his hand and they started fading
''Hey!'' I ran to them and cought Yato's hand.I felt my body leaving me..
We teleported near the train station.I fell on top of Yukine and he on Yato.I stood up quickly so as Yukine.Yato was squealing in pain
''Your here too?...'' he murmured
''I wanted to talk to you!I have so many questions to ask you!'' he stood up ''I'll answer them after we are done here.''
I heard those voices again
''Come here...end your suffering..'' I turned around and saw a boy walking streight to the railway and infront of him was...a huge monster thing.I flinched
''Come!Sekki!'' I heard Yato yell and he ran to the monster.
''Rend!'' he sliced that thing it two and it dissapeared.Yato pushed the boy far from the railway and right then the train passed.I stood frozen and terrified.I realized Yukine wasn't here
''Where is Yukine?!'' I asked Yato and he came towards me ''Yukine'' there was a sudden lght.The sword Yato was holding slowly started forming into a figure.It was Yukine?!
''Oh,you have so much to explain'' I looked at the both of them.
''Let's go to the shrine'' Yato started walking
''No.My parents left today for work in Florida so you can stay in my place.They are gonna be gone for awhile so I hope you get a job until then.'' I looked Yato seriously.His face lit up ''So nice of you!Such a sweetheart you are...'' he paused because he didn't knew my name
''(Y/N)'' I said flipping my (h/c) (h/l) back
''That's right!'' he said and we started walking to my home.When we reached it both of them stood shocked
'''This is your house?'' Yukine said suprised ''Yeah,let's get in'' I unlocked the front door and we enetered
''What d you boys want for dinner?''
''Rice balls,Rice with chicken...'' Yato started and I giggled
''What about you Yukki?'' I asked and he smiled '' I'll eat the same,don't worry.''
I went in the kitchen and started making the dinner.I heard a sigh and I jumped
''Do you need a hand" I turned around and there stood the blonde cutie ''No, don't worry'' I smiled and started working.
When I was done I went in the living room where the boys were and I sat next to Yato on the couch
''Who are you guys,actually?..'' I asked and Yato turned to me
''You may not believe,but Im a god of fortune.And Yukine is my regalia''
''What is a regalia?'' I asked curiously
''regalia is a weapon that's blessed from a god''
''next question...why do I have a tail sometimes and how did I see myself in the day of the accident?''
''Well it must have been the see,there is the ''Near shore'' where the living reside,and then there's the ''Far shore''.And you have actually wound up in the divide between them.''
''What is a..near shore and far shore...?'' I asked
''Well the ''Far shore'' is what you guys call..the ''afterlife'' '' I shivered ,he continued talking ''You are alive,yet also a phantom.Half phantom''
''I'm a what?!' I said confused ''they are incarnations of emotional energy.They posses people and cause all kinds of trouble.''
'' that monster earlier-'' I was cut off by him again ''A phantom'' I widden my eyes ''I'm like that thing?!''
''Well,actually no.And so you know.Losing your body will be common for you now''
''So how can I get better?'' ''You can't.It's just the way you are now.Acept it'' I cought his shirt ''Please,help me!Your a god of fortune right?!Grand my wish to get better!'' he sighed ''I will grant it,but you have to give me money'' ''Excuse me?'' I looked at him ''You don't really think that granting a wish is free?'' he laughed and I frowned '' how many?'' ''5 yen'' I took out 5 yen from my pocket and gave it to him.He smirked
''Your wish has been heard loud and clear'' he said.I stood up and walked to the kitchen.I can't believe that this is happening.I served the food on the table and went to wash my hands in the sink,When I turned around Yato was eating like a pig,which caused me to giggle.I sat down too and I started to eat.
''So you guys will sleep in my brother's room'' I excplained
''I'm not going to sleep with him in one bed!'' Yukine yelled and Yato frowned ''Why you little-'' they were going to fight,but I stopped them.
''Well..there is my parents room,but they won't be happy if someone sleeps there,so I guess you can sleep with me If you want'' I looked at Yukine and he blushed
'' R-really?'' ''Yeah,come on.'' We went upstairs .I showed Yato the room he will be staying and he layed on the bed.Me and Yukine went in my room.
''I'm so tired..'' I yawned and changed in my pj's.I layed on the bed and waited fro Yukki,bt he just stood there red and frozen.
''Come on,come here'' I made him place infront of him and layed.
''This is the first time I'll sleep with someone'' he mummbled
''Me too..'' I closed my eyes and snuggled closer to him.''You smell...nice..'' and with that I fell asleep.
***Yukine's POV***
When she snuggled closer to me I felt my face burn.She is so cute and pretty.I backed off a little.Her pj's where showing her cleavege.I stared at it,drops of sweat falling from my forehead.I reached my hand to unbotton it more,but then I felt someone behind me
''Yuuukine-kuuun...'' a creepy voice said.I was about to scream,but the thing grabbed me and dragged me out of the room.
''What were you doing you little perv!'' I realized it was Yato.He was holding his neck
''I didn't do anything!'' I said angrily
''Oh man...can't you just drop off those shitty hormones!I'm getting stunged every time!''
''Whatever!Just,leave me alone.'' I yelled and went back in (Y/N)'s room.I layed carefully next to her.Her hair was covering her right eye.I moved it a little and smiled.I closed my eyes and sighed.I wonder what tomorrow awaits..

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