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***Reader's POV***

I ran as fast as I could.I felt broken.My heart felt like it would stop any minute.My vision was blurry from my tears.I couldn't see well.I heard my name yelled,but i Couldn't bare to turn around.My heart told me that maybe I saw uncorrectly.Maybe it was a misundarstanding,but..my mind told me that it was all true.I felt betrayed.I WAS betrayed.

I finally reached the shrine.Kofuku looked at me weird,but I just ran pass her and up to my room.I locked the door and slide down on it.I let out a loud cry

''I love you..''

These three words you said.They replayed in my mind again again.Your soft warm lips.The kisses filled with love and passion.Your warm reassuring hugs.This..can't be real.Why!!Suddenly the window opened and I jumped.A guy with a hood on got in

''W-who are you?'' I said a little scared

''Naw,don't cry because of that regalia,princess'' ''Excuse me??" before I could do something,he picked me up on his shoulder ''E-Eh??Let me go!!'' I yelled,but to no affect.He jumped through the window and my vision suddenly went blank.


When I opened my eyes I was in a room.It wasn't mine.It looked more like a boy's room. ''Where am I..'' I stood up to look around,but I was pushed back down.''You need to rest'' a man's voice said.I looked up and saw

a boy with brown hair and bright purple eyes

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a boy with brown hair and bright purple eyes.I blushed a bit.He giggled and stood up.He was holding some kind of brush.''I know you probably are confused about this situation'' I just nod and stood up.''Where am I'' I said ''In my room'' he giggled ''I see,but why?..'' I looked around ''Oh come on.Your not gonna miss that shrine anyway'' he said.The shrine..my friends and..Yuki.The moment I thought about him my heart started to beat faster and my eyes got teary.The boy sat next to me in the bed and stroked my head ''don't cry..I know your probably sad'' He said.Probably?I feel ill.I feel like I want to die.Like thousand of arrows were stuck to my heart and it was hard for it to beat normally.''Don't touch me!'' I yelled and pushed his hand.He looked at me a little scary ''You know if I was a killer I would've killed you,because of your rude attitude'' he spoke.I froze ''I'm sorry..'' I mummbled and he sighed ''I'm Fujisaki Kouto'' he reached his hand so we can shake afterwards ''(Y/N)'' I took his hand.''Anyway,I'm here to make a deal with you'' ''Deal?'' I said confused ''Yeah.I want you to be my partner'' ''Partner?In what'' he laughed ''Does that matter?I know that If you do it I could find a way to make you human again'' my eyes widden ''WHAT??" he smirked.If thats true..I could go to my family again!But..I would forget about Yato..Kofuku..all my friends and Yuki.Maybe thats for the best.I don't want to see him.''Deal'' I said serious.He clapped his hands ''That calls for a cellebration!'' He walked to the door ''By the way.One of my slaves is gonna come and..put on some makeup and dress you.I'll meet you in the big hall in half past eight'' he exited before I was able to say another word.It was already late.I had an hour so I can get prepared.Suddenly a girl rushed in with bags,dresses and lots of other stuff.She was out of breath ''s-sorry for the wait miss!!''.My eyes widden ''Hey,Hey,valm down!And my name is (Y/N)'' She placed all the stuff on the floor ''master said not to..'' ''What's your name?'' I asked ''Aiha..'' She said shy.She made me sit on a chair and took out a dozen of makeup products.She started doing my makeup ''I dont like much makeup on..'' I said and she nodded.This is gonna take a while...
Hello,hello again amigos.Bet you didn't expect Trash dad to appear 😂 this chapter turned out a little long.I hope that its interesting too 😀 see ya 🔜

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